Surprising Health Benefits of Rebounding

Yesterday, I started my journey to better health on my Stamina 36 inch rebounder. I actually bought the least expensive rebounder that I could find. I still think it has been a great purchase. There are better quality ones out there, but I am enjoying the fact that I didn’t spend a lot to get my bounce on!  Check it out by clicking on the picture.[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”266″ identifier=”B000JC2ZHA” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]

Honestly, I had a ton of fun.  I put on my favorite leggings, cranked up Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger and got to jumping!  I decided to use light weights with my exercise to maximize the benefit.  This helped to really stimulate my lymphatic system.  After two workouts yesterday, my legs were sore!  My arms and core were sore.  Not immensely, but somewhat. During the workout, I was surprised by this because I didn’t feel like I was working out too hard at all.


Surprising Benefits from the Rebounding Workout:

  • I slept really well at night.
  • My mood improved considerably after being on the rebounder for just a few minutes.
  • My concentration and focus was much better for a few hours after rebounding.
  • My throat seemed to be a bit sore in the morning.  This seemed more like a cleansing reaction than the initial symptoms of a cold because after a few minutes the throat improved and that symptom is no longer there.
  • I worked up a sweat really quickly.  Sweating helps to eliminate toxins.

As you can see, even though I haven’t been rebounding for a long period of time, I was able to experience some wonderful rebounder workout benefits.  There are plenty of fun workouts on youtube that you can emulate if you get bored with just bouncing.  Here is one of my favorite rebound workouts to do.  It is great for beginners and only 15 minutes.


My Favorite Online Rebounding Workout

For longer workouts, you may want to purchase one from Amazon.  Here are some cool rebounder workouts to check out.[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”110″ identifier=”B005IVFSXU” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”110″][easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B009FAXWT2″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”107″][easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B000HWXAG2″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”112″]

Get your jump on!  Better yet, commit to a daily routine of rebounding!

8 thoughts on “Surprising Health Benefits of Rebounding”

  1. Hi Melinda,

    what a nice post. I love how you explained and shared this honest “first hand experience” with us. Now I feel that I want to give it a try as well. I own a crosstrainer which is sitting in our basement for months now and has not been used. I like the idea of doing a workout without really feeling that you are working out too hard, but still seeing results. Great, now I need a place for this thing 🙂 Do you know if the rebounder you bought their is collapsible or so? Would it fit under our bed when it’s not in use?

  2. Great post Melinda,

    i use a rebounder at the gym all the time. It gets me really warmed up to start my workout. I love it. I don’t have one at home but may be a good idea.

    How many times a week do you use it and for how long. Cheers, Kev

  3. Hi Melinda,

    I really like it. Do not laugh, but I use my daughter rebounder. I have so much fun with it, but I was not aware about the health benefits.
    Thanks for sharing your exeperience.

  4. Hi Melinda,
    I tried the rebounder with some kids and I found it really a good tool for exercices.
    Before that I was under the impression that it is just for fun for kid, but it also a very good exercicing tool for adults.

    Thanks for the information !

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