Should You Do The GAPS Diet for Psoriasis?

The GAPS Diet focuses in on healing and sealing the gut lining. So, what does that have to do with the Psoriasis on my skin?

The theory behind the GAPS diet is that it will heal and seal the gut lining. This will prevent any toxins from leaking into the blood stream and attacking the normal cells and their regular function.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that triggers rapid buildup of skin cells on the surface. This build up of skin cells can cause redness, scaling and inflammation. Often psoriasis is itchy.

The typical psoriatic scales appear whitish or silver and develop in thick patches with a redness around them.

What Causes Psoriasis?

Like most autoimmune diseases, the cause is unknown to the medical community. They simply state that it is the body’s T-cells attacking the skin cells, but don’t give a good reason why.

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride theorizes that the cause of all autoimmune diseases is due to a leaky gut and depleted nutrition. Psoriasis is very likely due to leaky gut with a chance of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).



Foods To Avoid

On the GAPS diet, you will work to heal and seal the gut. Therefore, you will want to avoid the foods that are difficult to digest and cause irritation in the gut. The most common irritants for people with autoimmune disease are the following:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants, peppers)
  • Grains (rice, corn, etc.)
  • Legumes (beans, peas)
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes)

Foods To Eat to Heal Psoriasis

With those categories of foods to avoid, you may feel like you can’t eat ANYTHING! That is close to correct. Actually, you’ll discover that you can enjoy meats and low carbohydrate veggies in many ways.

  • seafood
  • beef
  • chicken
  • pork
  • eggs
  • cabbage
  • sauerkraut
  • squash

On the GAPS diet, it is recommended to go through an introduction phase where you eliminate EVERYTHING and only drink meat stock for a few days. This is rather intense. If you are coming from a traditional Western diet, I recommend starting with the full GAPS diet and then eliminating the GAPS approved foods until you are doing meat stock for a couple days. This will allow you to test each food and determine if you have any reaction to the foods.

This will feel very restrictive for the first few days. You can always Google GAPS diet recipes or order a cookbook for some healing recipes.


Detox Baths

Part of the GAPS protocol is to do detoxification baths every day. The first time I attempted GAPS, I didn’t see much healing from it. I suspect it is because I didn’t continue with the detoxification baths.

However, after reading the Magnesium Miracle, by Dr. Carolyn Dean, I realize how important magnesium is in our detoxification and healing processes.

One easy way to incorporate detox baths into your routine is to simply stop up the shower and put some Epsom salts in the bottom of the tub. This way you will have a foot bath while you shower. You can sit down in the tub for a few minutes at the end to get more of your body immersed.

How Long Before You See Results

I started the GAPS protocol about 2 weeks ago. I am just now starting to see the redness of my Inverse Psoriasis reduce and the scales decrease in size. (I’d post pictures, but the psoriasis is between the butt cheeks. Not something I want to post!)

16 thoughts on “Should You Do The GAPS Diet for Psoriasis?”

  1. Hello there! This is an amazing article you’ve got here, I enjoy the structure of your site as it’s easy for readers to understand properly. Good job! 

    Though this is my first time hearing about this but GAPS diet but I will love to start it as the testimonies from it is just too mind blowing. Thanks for sharing!

    1. The GAPS diet has helped many people. It can be challenging at first, but if you stick with it you will start to see results. 

  2. Thank you for sharing this article. It is a matter of sad that my best friend suffers from psoriasis. Thisis why I was searching about psoriasis and found out your article. You article is very informative and useful. It helped me a lot in many information. I forwarded this article to my best friend. Hope do she will also give some feedback too. 

    i will surely share this article to my social media accounts so that others van know about these  too.

  3.  Thank you so much for sharing with us an interesting and excellent article. The principle content of this article is  Should You Do The GAPS Diet for Psoriasis?. It is really pretty that you have demonstrated this topic so well in your article. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like Foods To Eat to Heal Psoriasis.

    I’m doing the GAPS Diet too.I have been doing these The GAPS Diet for over 6 months now, with the result that I have been very hands-on. I’ve read and enjoyed your article and I’d like to share it with my friends by posting it in the Facebook community so everyone knows about your article and gets to hear about it.

  4. i am so loving this. I should first commend the level of effort in making this superb website with so much nice features and also writing an article on GAPS diet. these are really tangible reason why we should engage gaps diet. i am getting to learn a lot from this article of yours.thank you very much.

  5. Hi! It has been good for me to read your post. I must admit that I have been eating some of the foods I need to avoid. But overall, it will be easy for me to follow these guidelines concerning food. I don’t like most of the meals I need to avoid, for example legumes. And I do like the ones I can eat: seafood and pork!

    Thanks for this helpful post.

  6. Hello Melinda, health is wealth and good health surpasses what anyone can imagine. Some of the most saddening health issues anyone would want to have is that of the skin and Psoriasis, which doesn’t sound good at all because of it’s nature being itchy an inflammation. I actually feel relieved to see there are some very common means to deal with it which includes food intake and detox bath. I will pay close attention to my consumption of the mentioned food as well. How long does it take before this skin problem begins to manifest?

  7. Thanks for sharing with us such an amazing article. I have gone through your article. I got some information about the diet and I have gained a lot of knowledge about gaps diet. This article is extremely important to me because of what you have described about the gaps diet. Most important thing about your article is the sequence of information. it is the most available to me.

    I will share this article with my friends so that they can get some information about their health.

  8. First of all, thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful and informative article. I was looking for an article like this for a long time.

    I know about a little bit before about GAPS Diet and Psoriasis. But reading this article I gained knowledge a lot. I had the same question, but the article writer has answered this question. I benefited greatly from reading this article. I hope those who read this article will be benefited and learn many things from it. I started the GAPS protocol about 5days ago. I am just now starting to see the redness of my Inverse Psoriasis reduce and the scales decrease in size. After 2 or 3 weeks, I will share with you my experience

    Once again, Thanks again for sharing this informative post. I will share the post with others. 😊

  9. Your guide is very helpful for me. While reading I know that Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that triggers rapid buildup of skin cells on the surface. This build up of skin cells can cause redness, scaling and inflammation. Your guide is very easy to follow. As I know that One easy way to incorporate detox baths into your routine is to simply stop up the shower and put some Epsom salts in the bottom of the tub.

  10. Hi, Thank you so much for sharing with us such a beautiful article. I truly need to initially value your exertion in assembling this incredible site and composing this article.After reading your article I found out about the GAPS diet. I know Psoriasis is caused, at least in part, by the immune system mistakenly attacking healthy skin cells. If you’re sick or battling an infection, your immune system will go into overdrive to fight the infection. I think we can Inverse Psoriasis reduce through the GAPS diet. I think this article will benefit everyone.I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. Thanks

    1. The GAPS diet did end up getting rid of my psoriasis. Admittedly, I did not have a very large amount of it. But I was happy to see it go! 

  11. sometime we get confused on what decisions to make and you have given clear and explicit information here. I know that finding a good article does not come by so easily so i must commend your effort in creating such a beautiful website and writing an article to help others with useful information like this. thank you very much

  12. Your guide is very helpful for everyone. While reading I know that One easy way to incorporate detox baths into our routine is to simply stop up the shower and put some Epsom salts in the bottom of the tub. Part of the GAPS protocol is to do detoxification baths every day. If you are coming from a traditional Western diet, I recommend starting with the full GAPS diet. Thanks for sharing.

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