Earthing Movie Review

The Earthing Movie is an interesting documentary featuring the journey of Clint Ober as he discovers the scientific phenomenon of healing the body through standing barefoot on the earth. The idea behind earthing is that the earth has negative electrons that transfer to the body and help it to function properly. 

The movie follows a few people and their experiences with earthing including Mariel Hemmingway, Amy Smart, and Deepak Chopra. They each share their stories about how earthing has impacted their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

The healing has helped everything from pain to calming children with autism. It has increased the healing of wounds and reducing inflammation.

The great thing about this documentary is that it is easily accessible on YouTube. You can view it and share it with your friends free! 

Watch The Earthing Movie on YouTube

My Opinion of The Earthing Movie

I thoroughly enjoyed watching this documentary as it provided me with an alternative health outlet that was simple, free, and easy. I recommend viewing this film with friends and family. Earthing has improved the skin on my feet in just about 2 weeks. I started going outside barefoot and my athlete’s foot cleared up, and a wart healed. This movie sparked my curiosity and motivated me to get outside and get healthier. 

The movie contains inspiring and hopeful stories surrounding the topic of going barefoot. It also explains the science behind Earthing and a variety of ways that it can benefit your health. I hope that many people will view this documentary and start getting grounded. 

My Earthing Body Band Experiment Day 2

Although my barefoot earthing experiment started a couple of weeks ago, my earthing product testing started yesterday. I felt great with the large earthing body band. It didn’t seem to bother me while I wore it. I made a point to keep it on at night for 8 hours and during the day for 8 hours. 

My allergies are still around, so I didn’t heal from that in 2 days. I still found myself sneezing five or six times a day. But over the course of 24 hours, it really wasn’t that big of a deal. 

My hair has not regrown at all in 48 hours. Boo hoo. This is the main thing that I want to improve from Earthing. 

I didn’t have a seizure, so that is great. I don’t have them on a daily basis, so it is difficult to tell if this is an improvement or just the same thing. 

I may have had some pain relief! While sitting at a desk, I used to get intense shoulder pain the longer I sat at a desk. Yesterday, I noticed after about 2 hours that it was coming on. I did some stretches and continued to work. In another hour, I was fine. I didn’t notice an increase in pain. In fact, my shoulder was about back to normal! The shoulder pain has been debilitating at times in my past, so I am very grateful for this slight improvement. I’m hoping that it is not a coincidence. 

After only two days, it is difficult to tell if this will continue. I’m hopeful and optimistic! Stay tuned as I continue my own Earthing experiment! Earthing Movie review

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