Challenge Yourself on a Personal Trampoline

Today is the fourth day of my rebounding journey to regain my health and reverse my autoimmune disease. This morning as I ate breakfast, I dreaded working out for some reason. I knew that I would be energized, but there was something about watching the news that made me want to curl up and forget about getting back on my personal trampoline and bouncing.  I’m still in the mode of discipline and forcing myself to do it. Eventually exercising becomes a habit that you start to love, but I’m still in the early phases of changing my lifestyle.

I selected a very difficult rebounding workout for a personal trampoline today. The difference between the bellicon rebounder and the personal trampoline that I have was evident in this video.

The bounces were higher and these ladies were able to do more fast footwork than I was able to do. I’m not sure that they should have labeled it “beginner.” It was challenging! After ten minutes, I grabbed my water and took a short break.

The fun part of this workout was that they selected upbeat music from the nineties, which was from my childhood. I always find that having upbeat music to listen to while I am jumping on my personal trampoline helpful.  It increases my mood and my desire to exercise and workout harder grows and grows if there is great background music!

As I was getting exhausted by this “beginner” workout, I started thinking about ways that you can challenge yourself on a rebounder.

  1. Increase your time each day. As you use up your ATP and your mitochondria produces more every day, your endurance will grow and grow.
  2. Try challenging moves.  The simple health bounce will provide your body with lots of health benefits, but after awhile, it will get boring. Start to add squats, twists and arm lifts.
  3. Add weights to your workout. You will start sweating very quickly in your rebounding workout on your personal trampoline if you add weights while you bounce.
  4. Speed it up! Pick music with a faster beat and start jumping faster and higher.
  5. Shoot for multiple sessions per day.  Often our lives are so busy that we become complacent and stay pretty much seated the whole day.  Try to jump for a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes in the afternoon.  You’ll discover that even just two minutes will energize you, help oxygenate your brain and focus your mind.
  6. Learn more about the biological effects of what you are doing.  Read books about it, check out informational blogs and watch youtube videos about the health benefits. This will focus your mind more intensely on your goal and the path towards your goal.
  7. Check out my last blog Health Benefits of Rebounding Trampoline Usage

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Health Benefits of My Rebounding Trampoline Usage

Today is Day 3 and I’m still seeing health benefits of my rebounding trampoline usage!  Ok, let’s be real.  It is easy to be consistent for three days in an exercise program. Three months can be a little bit more challenging.  However, I’m still enjoying the noticeable benefits that I gain from jumping on my rebounding trampoline.  It is awesome and I love it, so I’m sharing my results online.

I slept really soundly last night.  I didn’t wake up during the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.  I felt like I needed less sleep as well.  (This could be confirmed with my Fitbit the next time I remember to use it!)

When I felt stressed out, I was able to refocus my mind on the task at hand.  For example, yesterday I wanted to upload a video to youtube. My technology was giving me fits.  Instead of giving up, I spent a few minutes on my rebounder. I expected to spend a long time on my rebounder and just give up on the task and put it off until another day, but my mind was working through the problem as I bounced. I successfully uploaded the video to youtube and even put some keywords with it so people could discover it online. For me, that was a win!

My breathing with my rebounder is calmer. I learned the Buteyko breathing method and always breath through my nose when I exercise and throughout the day. I’m noticing that my breath is calm and slow, which is what I want!

I’m feeling more alert and focused. I’m getting more done and it is better and better quality! Even though I am only on the rebounder for a few minutes at a time, the amount of oxygenation that the brain receives enables it to focus more throughout the day.

One of the benefits that people share about rebounding is that it improves your posture. Even though it has only been 3 days of consistent usage, I am starting to believe that there will be a great impact on my posture. Why? A few times during the day, I found myself standing up straighter. Psychologically, I am believing that this is beneficial, so I am tending to correct my posture subconsciously as the muscles strengthen.  Is it a real benefit? Not yet, but a perceived benefit can be just as great!

What are other sites saying about the health benefits of rebounding trampoline usage?

1. Rebounding increases the G-force, or gravitational load, which strengthens the muscles.

2. Joints are protected by rebounding due to the softer landing.

3. Rebounding can help you improve the muscle to fat ratio of your body composition.

4. Rebounding increases lymphatic circulation by stimulating the one way valves in the lymphatic system. This helps the body prevent future illness.

5. Rebounding is effective in circulating more oxygen to the tissues.

6. Rebounding is able to establish a more effective equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.

7. Rebounding increases respiration.  You will sweat quickly during a rebounding exercise!

8. Rebounding tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.

9. Rebounding reduces the amount of time that your blood pressure is elevated due to aerobic activity.[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”85″ identifier=”B000JC2ZHA” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

10. Rebounding assists in the rehabilitation of existing heart problems. Rebound Exercise also benefits recovery from heart procedures, providing gentle, low impact circulation.

11. Rebounding increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.

12. Rebounding gradually improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise. Related, Rebound Exercise benefits the post-exercise “Glycogen Replenishment” process.

13. Rebounding causes core muscles and large muscle groups to contract, resulting in the rhythmic compression of the veins and arteries, which more effectively moves fluids, both blood and lymphatic, through the body and back to the heart, lowering peripheral blood pressure and lightening the heart’s load.

14. Rebounding decreases the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system preventing chronic edema.

15. Rebounding encourages collateral circulation by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells.

16. Rebounding strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.

17. Rebounding decreases the heart rate by strengthening the heart muscle.

18. Rebounding lowers circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

19. Rebounding lowers low-density lipoprotein (bad) in the blood and increases high-density lipoprotein (good) holding off the incidence of coronary artery disease.

20. Rebounding promotes tissue repair.

21. Extended rebounding (rebounding for more than 20 minutes) at a moderate intensity  increases the mitochondria count inside muscle cells. This increases your endurance.

22. Rebounding benefits the alkaline reserve of the body, which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.

23. Rebounding improves coordination between the propreoceptors in the joints.

24. Rebounding improves the brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear, thus improving balance.

25. Rebounding on a mini trampoline offers relief from pain due to lack of exercise. Rebounding has also been shown to improve a person’s posture by strengthening the core muscles.

26. Rebounding improves digestion and elimination processes by increasing peristalsis.

27. Rebounding enables deeper sleep and relaxation at night.

[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”B005CAIY92″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”84″]28. Rebounding can improve learning processes and mental focus.

29. Rebounding helps to alleviate premenstrual systems i women.

30. Rebounding reduces the number of colds and allergy symptoms.

31. Rebounding slows down the aging process and muscle atrophy.

32. Rebounding improves your self image.

Let’s get jumping today!

What is Kefir?

This morning, I awoke and created a wonderful probiotic beverage for myself called kefir.  It is a routine that I began when I started doing the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet and it has helped keep my digestion in check for quite awhile.



Kefir is a cultured drink that is made from milk or coconut milk.  I prefer to make mine from coconut milk because I often have it on hand more often, but it can be tasty either way.

Kefir has a tart and refreshing flavor that is similar to yogurt. I like to mix a banana in with my kefir to sweeten it a bit.  Kefir contains beneficial yeast and bacteria that help your gut digest foods.  The naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in kefir will combine in a symbiotic manner to produce superior health benefits when you consume them regularly.  Kefir is also filled with essential vitamins and minerals.  It also contains easily digestible complete proteins.

Many people who have lactose intolerance tend to avoid kefir because it is made from milk. However, it may be just the thing that you need to overcome your lactose intolerance. Kefir’s abundance of beneficial yeast and bacteria provide lactase, which is an enzyme that consumes most of the lactose left after the culturing process.  I have read many accounts of lactose intolerant individuals who were able to tolerate kefir.


WHY SHOULD I DRINK KEFIR?[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B002ZIDELM” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

In this day and age where people have demonized bacteria and become self-proclaimed germophobes, you may be surprised to discover that many bacteria are not only helpful in promoting good health, but essential in assisting digestion.  After a course of antibiotics, people often have difficulty with their digestion.  We are seeing an upsurge in the number of people who are suffering from diseases like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s Disease.

Kefir is a cultured beverage that can help you reestablish the microbiome in your gut. It provides essential vitamins and nutrients for your brain to function better. Regular use of kefir will relieve intestinal distress and reduce flatulence. In addition, its cleansing effect on the whole body helps to establish a balanced inner ecosystem for optimum health and longevity.

Kefir cleanses the intestines.  Kefir contributes to a healthy immune system.  It has been known to help patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer and herpes. Kefir has been known to have a tranquilizing effect on the nervous system and benefitted many people who have suffered from depression, sleep disorders and ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Kefir helps your body become more nourished and balanced, which in turn helps to eliminate unhealthy food cravings. Kefir’s excellent nutritional content promotes healing and helps to maintain health in people with almost every condition.



Kefir starts with a base of milk.  This can be any type of milk.  You can use goat’s milk, cow’s milk, sheep’s milk, coconut milk, rice milk or even soy milk.  The milk gives the bacteria something to consume. To the milk, you add what is called a kefir grain.  [easyazon_image align=”left” cart=”n” height=”500″ identifier=”B00ZD4QB60″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”313″]

Kefir grains are made from gelatinous white or yellow particles that contain live cultures of bacteria and yeast.  Kefir is unique in this aspect as no other milk culture forms a grain. Casein, or milk proteins,  and complex sugars keep the grains together.  A kefir grain will appear like a small cluster of cauliflower.  The size can be as small as a grain of rice to the size of an acorn. Grains continue to grow as you use them.  There have been some grains that have been grown in large sheets and become big enough to cover your hand!  The grains are the essential part of culturing and fermenting the milk.  They incorporate their friendly organisms to create the cultured product.  Prior to drinking the kefir, the grains are removed with a strainer or a fork and then added to a new batch of milk.

The grains are actually alive. You are creating a symbiotic relationship between yourself and bacteria. It is almost like keeping a pet alive. The kefir needs to be fed each day with new milk.  However, unlike a pet, you can put kefir to sleep for awhile. If you are going on vacation or want a break from drinking kefir, simply place it in the refrigerator. This slows down the activity level of kefir.



This is actually a personal preference.  While it is extremely easy to make and very inexpensive, some people would prefer not to have fermenting products on their counter or in the cupboards. You will tend to lose out on some of the nutritional benefits if your kefir has gone through the bottling process, as heat tends to kill off some bacteria or yeasts. However, many people still enjoy store bought kefir and still see benefits from taking store bought kefir.  It is a matter of convenience.  [easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B00CHTWFIM” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

Kefir is now easy to find at most grocery stores and even in some convenience stores.  Kefir is a staple in health food stores with many carrying more than one brand of kefir. It is not difficult to find. It is often located in the dairy case, or in the store’s health food refrigerated section.

If you want to learn more about kefir and have some time on your hands, check out this handy youtube video:



Surprising Health Benefits of Rebounding

Yesterday, I started my journey to better health on my Stamina 36 inch rebounder. I actually bought the least expensive rebounder that I could find. I still think it has been a great purchase. There are better quality ones out there, but I am enjoying the fact that I didn’t spend a lot to get my bounce on!  Check it out by clicking on the picture.[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”266″ identifier=”B000JC2ZHA” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]

Honestly, I had a ton of fun.  I put on my favorite leggings, cranked up Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger and got to jumping!  I decided to use light weights with my exercise to maximize the benefit.  This helped to really stimulate my lymphatic system.  After two workouts yesterday, my legs were sore!  My arms and core were sore.  Not immensely, but somewhat. During the workout, I was surprised by this because I didn’t feel like I was working out too hard at all.


Surprising Benefits from the Rebounding Workout:

  • I slept really well at night.
  • My mood improved considerably after being on the rebounder for just a few minutes.
  • My concentration and focus was much better for a few hours after rebounding.
  • My throat seemed to be a bit sore in the morning.  This seemed more like a cleansing reaction than the initial symptoms of a cold because after a few minutes the throat improved and that symptom is no longer there.
  • I worked up a sweat really quickly.  Sweating helps to eliminate toxins.

As you can see, even though I haven’t been rebounding for a long period of time, I was able to experience some wonderful rebounder workout benefits.  There are plenty of fun workouts on youtube that you can emulate if you get bored with just bouncing.  Here is one of my favorite rebound workouts to do.  It is great for beginners and only 15 minutes.


My Favorite Online Rebounding Workout

For longer workouts, you may want to purchase one from Amazon.  Here are some cool rebounder workouts to check out.[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”110″ identifier=”B005IVFSXU” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”110″][easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B009FAXWT2″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”107″][easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B000HWXAG2″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”112″]

Get your jump on!  Better yet, commit to a daily routine of rebounding!

Rebounding for Healing Alopecia Universalis

Before you get to far into this post, let me emphasize that I have not yet cured my alopecia universalis. I want to be up front and honest with people.  It has been a six year journey of trying and failing to regrow hair. However, I have decided to put my exercise efforts into rebounding for a number of reasons.

  1. It is fun!
  2. People have used rebounding to cure cancer and heal from other diseases.
  3. One of the health benefits of rebounding is to oxygenate the body.
  4. Oxygenating the body helps to reduce inflammation.
  5. Alopecia is simply inflammation of the hair follicles disrupting the growth cycle.
  6. Rebounding helps improve digestion by increasing peristalsis.
  7. Rebounding improves the immune system by stimulating the lymphatic system.
  8. Alopecia Universalis is an autoimmune condition. Improving immune function will help to improve the symptoms of autoimmunity.
  9. Rebounding rids the body of toxins.  Toxins often are the cause of autoimmunity.

Before you start telling me to do the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol.  I have already tried that.  I stuck with it for about three months with no noticeable difference. I did not stick with it because I had a seizure.  I have done the raw vegan diet.  I stuck with that for six months.  I have eliminated gluten and milk for months at a time.  I have done the ketogenic diet most recently for about two months. I used nutrition response testing, where they pushed on my arm and tried to detect nutrient deficiencies and correct them with specific supplements, for two years and no hairs grew back. I actually have more energy than most of my friends and feel great.  The only problem is that my hairs are refusing to grow and I have the occasional seizure.  It bums me out quite a bit.

The latest supplement that I have started taking is Restore4Life.  I’m excited by the science behind this product, but I’m a bit cautious about getting my hopes up.[easyazon_image align=”none” height=”160″ identifier=”B01DVACA1C” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

I have something working on the “tight junctions” of my gut and preventing the zonulin from glyphosate and gluten from further damaging the lining of my gut and allowing it to leak and wreak havoc with my immune system.  I have been taking Restore for about seven and a half weeks now. While I’m not seeing a lot of results just yet, I’m optimistic because this morning I saw a few non-terminal pubic hairs.  What are non-terminal hairs?  They are white hairs.  I’ve seen more than I have ever seen on a diet before, so that is encouraging.

I want to turn my results around and make this work, which is why I am sharing my experience with you. Now that I have a supplement that is working on my gut and nutrient deficiencies, I’m going to focus my exercise efforts on rebounding!  [easyazon_image align=”none” height=”85″ identifier=”B000JC2ZHA” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

I read up on how Chris Wark beat cancer.  He did have surgery, but he also rebounded three times a day.  His diet was whole foods based. Most of the foods that I currently consume are green veggies and meats, so I’m not going to stress out any more about my diet.  I will be rebounding as much as I possibly can during the day though.

There are a wealth of workouts and rebounding videos online.  This morning, my inspiration came from this cute lady teaching people how to rebound and use weights at the same time.  As I listened to her, her message really resonated with me.  I am trying to fix a condition that not a lot of people have. I think I will have success as I stick with rebounding and restore.

I whipped out some light weights this morning, and turned on this youtube video and got to exercising.  I rebounded for about half an hour and walked for about half an hour on my treadmill.  I will share my results with you online.  [easyazon_image align=”none” height=”113″ identifier=”B0013TNG26″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

How to Get Back on Your Diet

I am a serial dieter.  Part of the reason for this is due to the fact that I have epilepsy and alopecia universalis.  I’m always trying to up my health to optimal levels.  My theory is that once you obtain optimal health, your health problems disappear.  For the most part, that has been true for me.  I no longer deal with asthma or eczema.  My seasonal allergies, which used to trigger massive asthma attacks, are almost non-existent. I haven’t found the “magic bullet” to trigger hair regrowth after losing my hair six years ago.  That is a huge disappointment for me.  When I don’t see an improvement in my hair regrowth after a couple months, I tend to give up on whatever diet I’m doing.  I’ve done the Autoimmune Paleo diet, Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, Blood Type Diet, Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw Vegan and now ketogenic. The only diet that was relatively ineffective for me was the raw vegan diet.  I lost too much weight on that and looked sickly. However, you learn something every time you try something.

This last week, I slid off my diet. I’m doing the ketogenic diet. One thing that I’ve discovered by doing the ketogenic diet is that fat isn’t necessarily going to make you fat. My weight on the ketogenic diet actually fluctuated based on my activity level more than anything. I also learned how to love greens and get creative with the few carbs that I was allowed on the diet.

This week, I’m working on going back on the ketogenic diet.  I’m going to start on Saturday.  The reason for this is that it is the day that I shop for food. The key to successfully staying on a diet is having a plan. What are you going to eat when you start feeling bored and want a snack? What are you going to eat for breakfast? Will you make breakfast for the week or each day? Another great tip is to stock up on your favorites that are allowed on the diet.  For me, that means bacon for breakfast and cream cheese and celery for snacks.  While I love a good pot roast for dinner meals, I did that last week and will be buying a chicken this week to use in my fabulous power pressure cooker.  [easyazon_image align=”right” height=”110″ identifier=”B00MZZXO4W” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”110″]

Here’s my meal plan for the week:

Monday Breakfast: Bacon, broccoli

Monday Lunch: Salad, nuts and cheese

Monday Dinner: Chicken Soup

Tuesday Breakfast: Bacon, mushrooms, broccoli, deviled eggs

Tuesday lunch: Salad with tuna, celery and cream cheese

Tuesday dinner: Chicken casserole

Wednesday Breakfast: Bacon, sauteed spinach, mushrooms and onions

Wednesday lunch: Salad, deviled eggs

Wednesday dinner: chicken casserole

Thursday breakfast: bacon and sauteed veggies

Thursday lunch: salad with salmon and nuts and cheese

Thursday dinner: steamed spinach and Tilapia

Friday breakfast: bacon and deviled eggs

Friday lunch: salad with tuna fish, celery and cream cheese

Friday dinner: chicken stir fry with broccoli, peppers, onions, mushrooms

I don’t eat dessert everyday. I have lost a lot of the sugar cravings that most people have.  Once I start eating a sweet, they come right back though. That’s why I slipped off my diet. It was so delicious and I’m not going to beat myself up over it though.  So, what do I plan on for a sweet treat?  Panna cotta!  Seriously low in carbohydrates and easy to make!

1 can coconut milk

2 tablespoons of gelatin

2 tablespoons of zero carbohydrate sweetener

Lemon juice from one lemon and the zest of one lemon

Directions: Pour coconut milk into a pan, while stirring, slowly add the two tablespoons of gelatin.  Add 2 tablespoons of sweetener (or to taste).  Add the lemon juice and zest.  Bring to a boil.  Take off the heat and pour into dessert dishes.  Refrigerate for 2 hours.  Makes 5 servings.

This satisfies my sweet tooth and cuts down on cravings!  Here are the products that I personally use to make this sweet treat[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”B01I8AEUDQ” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”107″][easyazon_image align=”left” height=”110″ identifier=”B0008D6WBA” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”110″][easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B001HTJ2BQ” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”105″]

Once you have your plan for your diet, it becomes easy to stick with it.  If you know that you are one of those people that is easily tempted by the bakery at the corner, make a plan to avoid that.  Avoid the kitchen.  You will eat less.  Another great tip that I have learned over the years is that positive affirmations work!  Stick inspirational posters up, write post it notes to yourself, say affirmations.  It will help you focus on eating the healthier foods that your body needs and wants.

One of my audio favorite programs for affirmations is the Think Right Now programs.  I am currently listening to their sales audio, but if you are getting back into fitness, Think Right Now has a great audio to keep you on track.  I’ve noticed that it does start to change your thoughts and that slowly changes your habits to something more positive, so if you are having a difficult time getting started or committed to your diet, this is a great help.  Commit instead to listening to it at night or for half an hour a day for at least 3 months.  You will notice a change in your behaviors.  (I have used them to get more organized and now I’m working on sales.)


Hate Working Out? Paying a BIG Price for it?

Restore Your Gut Health – Restore Supplement Review

Restore Gut Health Supplement

I have been testing out a supplement called Restore that helps to heal the gut.  I still have severe alopecia universalis, but other than that, I have great health.  My digestion is very regular and I have lots of energy.  This in part is due to the fact that a few years ago, I researched my brains out to find holistic healing methods for epilepsy. I have been following Dr. Zach Bush’s research and videos on the product and the science seems sound. [easyazon_image align=”right” cart=”n” height=”500″ identifier=”B01DVACA1C” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]

One of the reasons that I chose to try out this product is because Dr. Bush was talking about the correlation between the gut health and the brain health.  This coincided with the research that Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride discovered as she created a diet to heal her son with autism.   As I read the book, The Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet, I was thoroughly impressed with how detailed Dr. Campbell-McBride was in detailing the causes and symptoms of “leaky gut,” and how it correlated to brain health. Her approach to healing the brain was to heal and seal the gut. Her protocol is very difficult to follow, but I did it for a good six months, which was not quite as long as the two years she recommended.  Dr. Bush’s supplement Restore focuses on replenishing the bacteria in your gut that you are missing and helping to seal up the gut lining such that no toxins can leak through the blood brain barrier.[easyazon_image align=”right” cart=”n” height=”500″ identifier=”0954852028″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”352″]

I have been using the Restore product for seven weeks now.  It has not healed up my hair loss, but it is a bit too soon to see if that will happen.  I fully expect to get my hair back as my health moves into the optimal state.  I’m hopeful that this product can help me to get there. Restore is also supposed to protect against the toxin glyphosate.  Glyphosate is the ingredient in Round-up that gets sprayed on the plants before they are harvested.  While you can get higher quality food by eating organic, the glyphosate gets into the rain water and eventually on to the organic plants as well.  So, I’m grateful for a product that is countering this toxin in our bodies.

I’m not a scientist, so I can only explain my vague understanding of what is happening with the product.  It is a carbon lignite that is allowing more bacteria to attach to the lining of the gut.  This proliferates the number and variety of bacteria in your gut.  This builds up our immune system.  Ever since I attempted a long term run of the GAPS diet and increased the amount of live probiotics in my diet (I drink a kefir smoothie most mornings), I really haven’t gotten sick.  I work with kids and my coworkers fall ill, but rarely do I even get a sore throat.  I attribute my overall health to the probiotics and the Buteyko breathing exercises that I do.  I’m excited to add Restore to see if I can get even further benefit.

I will say, since taking Restore, I haven’t had any bowel movement complaints.  I don’t have to strain or rush to the bathroom.  It just comes out regularly every day after one or two meals.  I’m hoping to do another post in a few months with actual hair regrowth, so I can say that it works on curing autoimmune hair loss, but we shall see.  I’ll keep you posted!


I wrote this post after taking Restore for 1 month. I was very hopeful and optimistic that it would cure my ailments. I have been taking it for almost nine months now. I still haven’t cured my alopecia universalis. However, I have seen a major improvement with my seizure control. I was able to break through the plateau that I had of having a seizure every three months. I went six months without a seizure. This is huge. I have always had to be on the highest dose of medication and sometimes during my life on two doses of medication to prevent the seizures. I’m completely off all medication and the seizure that I had in August was very mild compared to the ones that I was having on medication.

I love my FitBit!

[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”110″ identifier=”B00N2BW9BW” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”108″]  Getting fit is actually pretty easy when you stick with a plan. Sometimes, having a fancy electronic device that tracks your accomplishments is a worthwhile purchase, especially if you are trying to get fit at home without a trainer or are just lazy when it comes to tracking your progress.  A Fitbit heart rate monitor is a useful tool when you are trying to track your progress.

One of the features that I love about my fitbit heart rate monitor is that it lets me know how long I slept.  It also tracks my heart rate and my footsteps.  If I was good at keeping track of what I ate, I could enter that into their website and know how many calories I burned and whether or not I was on track to reach my goal.  Ultimately, I’m mostly interested in increasing my step count, lowering my heart rate and ensuring that my sleep is sound.  [easyazon_cta align=”none” identifier=”B00N2BW9BW” key=”small-light” locale=”US” tag=”mcurle08-20″]

When I first got the fitbit as a gift at Christmas, I wore it nonstop for about a month.  Unfortunately, in order to get the information synced to your computer, you either need to remember to put in a toggle and upload it or have the bluetooth enabled on your computer. I am not tech savvy and somehow disabled my computer’s bluetooth.  So, I took the darn thing off and forgot about it.  However, as my jeans started to get tighter, I realized that it was time to put it back on a get committed to get fit!


It is lightweight and easy to wear.  The fitbit tracks multiple aspects of your health throughout the day.  You can connect with your friends through the fitbit website and challenge them to fitness competitions.  This can be fun or somewhat overwhelming.


Your skin will sweat under the rubber.  The product description says that it is sweat proof, but that means that your sweat won’t harm the product.  You may still get annoyed by the sweat rubbing against the rubber.  You have to remember to put it on.  In order to get the information in chart form and see your progress over time, you have to remember to log into the fitness app online.

The Features of the Charge HR Fitbit:

  • Charge HR syncs automatically and wirelessly to tablets, computers and 150+ leading iOS, Android and Windows smartphones using Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. Syncing to computers requires Internet connection and USB port. Syncing to mobile devices requires Bluetooth and Internet connection. Syncing range: 20 feet
  • Water Resistance: Charge HR is sweat, rain and splash proof. However, the device is not swim proof or showerproof. With any wearable device, it’s best for your skin if the band stays dry and clean. Battery life: lasts up to 5 days. Radio transceiver: Bluetooth 4.0
  • The charge time is one to two hours.  It is recommended that you charge your device every few days.
  • Syncs with Windows Vista and later, Mac OS X 10.6 and up, iPhone 4S and later, iPad 3 gen. and later, and leading Android and Windows devices
  • Get continuous, automatic, wrist-based heart rate and simplified heart rate zones
  • Track workouts, heart rate, distance, calories burned, floors climbed, active minutes and steps
  • It detects when you are asleep 
  • There is an alarm to wake you if you want.  I personally don’t like this feature and don’t use it.

The fitbit can’t motivate you to exercise.  However, it helps to keep you accountable and on track. [easyazon_image align=”left” height=”333″ identifier=”B00N2BW9BW” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]For example, my goal is 10,000 steps per day. This is a reasonable goal to start with.  Right now, it is 9:00 am and I’m at 3,567 steps. Another goal of mine is to drink 80 ounces of water per day.  I have already drank a sixteen ounce bottle of water and have another one by my side to drink. Entering that information into the fitbit app helps me to stay on track and meet my goals. I love it! I love the feature of competing with your friends on the website, because that can make fitness more fun.

Tips to Use Your Walking Treadmill Desk for Maximum Benefit

Let’s face it, walking on a treadmill is boring if that is all you are doing.  Working at your treadmill desk can make working more pleasant, but after a few hours your legs are going to be sore and you’ll probably want to quit using the treadmill desk.  But don’t give up on treadmill desk usage!  It is a wonderful way to get fit, improve your posture and stay fit!  [easyazon_image align=”none” height=”368″ identifier=”B00MD20ONG” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]

Start Treadmill Desk Usage Slowly

Not everyone can adapt to walking for hours on end after being used to sitting for hours at a time.  Therefore, walking and working requires some adjustment.  Start with an hour and work your way up.  You can do an hour on and an hour off.  Build up to seven or eight hours a day over the course of two months.  It doesn’t have to be a sudden switch.

Do Something Fun at Your Treadmill Desk

Sometimes your concentration is compromised by the walking and working.  You can’t fully focus on your work while you are getting used to walking and working at the same time.  Don’t worry.  The automaticity will come.  In the meantime, adjust to working at your desk by doing fun stuff online.  These things can include:

  • Watching funny videos
  • Scrolling through social media sites – facebook, twitter
  • Posting on your own social media sites
  • Gaming (Please don’t tell me you do candy crush!)
  • Workouts (There are plenty on youtube!)
  • Grab some barbells and get an arm exercise in as well!

Make Sure the Ergonomics are Good for You

Walking and working will be just as bad for you as sitting and working if you have to hunch over to see your laptop screen.  Make sure that the screen is eye level and the keyboard is at about a 90 degree angle to your elbow for the most comfort.  This is going to require most people to purchase a monitor stand or a laptop stand to elevate it.  (That has been my experience, but at six feet tall, I tend to tower over most of my friends!  I’m not sure how the ergonomics are working for shorter people, but I still imagine that they need to elevate the monitor slightly.)[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”B01M74EC0P” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

Pimp Out Your Walking Treadmill Desk Workstation

Let’s face it, it is more fun to work when you have cool tools and they make life easier for you.  One of the biggest downsides to treadmill desk workstations is that they don’t have drawers.  This is understandable because many of them are adjustable and some of them are so tall that the emphasis for the producers of these desks is to get height and now worry about drawers.  So, what will you need?

  • A place for file folders and hanging file folders[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B0012VIJGS” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]
  • Storage for pens, pencils
  • A mouse and a mouse pad – It is so much easier to use a mouse than trying to use the touchpad on your laptop while you are walking[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B00000JRRD” locale=”US” tag=”mcurle08-20″]

Lots of work is done on computers, but you will want to make sure that you have some space at your desk for jotting notes.  You will also need to stay organized.  A box near your desk with hanging file folders will help you stay organized and keep what you need nearby.  [easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B001603YQU” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

You can purchase stackable letter trays to keep some of your papers organized, however, this will take up some of the space on your desktop, so you may want to stay organized with hanging file folders that are placed on the floor or a separate filing cabinet nearby.

Keep Your Walking Treadmill Desk Organized

Let’s face it, no one really wants to sit down at a messy desk and work.  Likewise, you will be really reluctant to walk up to your treadmill desk and want to conquer the day when papers are strewn everywhere.  Take my advice and get organized!  Use the file folders, the pencil holders and keep it all neat.  Your walking treadmill desk workstation will seem more inviting when it isn’t cluttered with papers.  [easyazon_image align=”left” height=”130″ identifier=”B00H5CVCN0″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

Pretend You are On a Real Walk

Sometimes it is just yucky outside and there isn’t anything you want to watch on hulu or netflix.  There are virtual walks that you can go on to pretend you are outside.  If you haven’t walked and worked that day, get off your butt and go on one of these virtual walks.  It definitely isn’t the same as walking in nature, but it will get you using your treadmill.  The more you use your treadmill desk, the more comfortable you will be with it and soon you will begin to love it!

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Ten Health Benefits of Using a Walking Treadmill Desk While You Work

Our bodies were not meant to sit for eight hours a day.  Some of us are now realizing the health impacts of sitting all day.  The most visible impacts of sitting all day while we work are extra weight and poorer posture.  While a few extra pounds and a slight forward head tilt may not initially be noticeable in terms of your everyday life, over time it can lead to major health concerns and chronic back pain.  One of the best ways to combat this is to change how you work and start using a walking treadmill desk.

[easyazon_image align=”right” cart=”n” height=”254″ identifier=”B01DJW0QRM” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”300″]

1. Walking Treadmill Desk Usage Lowers The Risk of Weight Gain and Obesity

Due to the fact that walking burns more calories than sitting, you automatically lower your risk of gaining weight.  While walking at your treadmill desk is done a really slow pace usually no more than two miles per hour,


2. Using a treadmill desk may lower blood sugar levels

A small study showed that office workers that were standing for 180 minutes after their lunch break reduced the blood sugar spike from eating by 43% compared to staying seated for the same amount of time.  Treadmill desk users would reduce that blood sugar spike even more due to the fact that they are getting more activity and movement.

The study was based on the same number of steps taken.  Therefore, the reduction in blood sugar spikes was due in part to being vertical and not simply activity based.


3. Heart Health Benefits From Using a Treadmill Desk

A walking treadmill desk has numerous positive effects on your heart health.  During the time you spend walking, your heart rate increases, which strengthens the heart muscle.  This also has the benefit of delivering more nutrients and oxygen to your organs.  Walking on a treadmill on a regular basis can help you lose weight, which in turns lowers the risk of a heart attack.


4.  Positive Effects of a Treadmill Desk on Your Mind

Physical activity provides a boost to your brain function.  While walking on a treadmill, more oxygen and nutrients are circulated to your brain.  This helps it to function better.  It has been shown that walking five miles per week, which is a realistic amount, can help you increase the amount of gray matter in your brain.


5. Walking Treadmill Desks Can Help to Prevent Cancer

Regular movement has been shown to help people live longer.  In addition to the brain and heart benefits of using a treadmill desk on a daily basis, you may be adding years to your life and preventing cancer.  Walking has been shown to have a protective effect against cancer and reduce the chances of osteoporosis.


6. Improve Concentration

Our brains function best when we have the proper nutrients and exercise.  Your focus will deteriorate over time if you don’t provide your body with adequate movement and good nutrition.  Implementing regular usage of a walking treadmill desk will improve your ability to concentrate and focus.  Exercise not only increases blood flow to the brain, but your body releases certain chemicals that aid in concentration.  Working at a treadmill desk may just create the boost that you need to be successful at work.


8. Treadmill Desks Can Fire Up Your Metabolism

Even though you are not walking very quickly, utilizing a treadmill desk while you are doing office work will increase your metabolic rate so that you burn omre calories than when you are resting.  As you exercise, your body tends to burn more calories and build lean muscle, which burns even more calories and fat.  As you gradually increase the amount of time that you spend working on a treadmill desk, you will start to build more muscle and your body will become more efficient at burning calories while you are resting.  This can help you to stay fit whether you remember to workout or decide to skip the gym.

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9.  Treadmill Desks can Improve Task Completion

With an increase in your metabolism and a boost in brain function, you may find that you are much more productive while you are working on a treadmill desk.  Utilizing a walking treadmill desk workstation may lead to becoming a more valuable employee.  Many people at work face a mid-day slump, which can easily be prevented with some extra steps here and there because it creates more blood flow to the brain.  Often treadmill desk users report that they don’t have that slump in productivity.


10. Walking Treadmill Desk Usage Prevents Back Pain

Our posture is severely compromised while sitting at a computer desk all day.  This in turn can lead to lower back pain as well as neck strain from poor ergonomics.  Using a treadmill desk instead strengthens the core.  A strong core naturally improves your posture and gives you a better sense of well-being.  It is easier for the blood flow to reach your brain and your lungs are able to expand properly.  Sitting at a computer all day can lead to serious back, neck and shoulder pain. The continuous movement that you experience while working at a treadmill desk allows you to engage multiple muscle groups. During seated desk work, you may shift your muscles now and then, but normally the same muscle groups are holding you upright.  Over time, you create muscle imbalances as one group of muscles becomes overworked.  Through walking on a treadmill, you increase your core and strengthen the muscles that impact posture.

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These benefits are subjective and may not be experienced by everyone.  Brigham Young University did a study and compared productivity from the seated users with those who were walking and discovered that there was a slight decline in typing speed and productivity.  This study was a one time usage study.  It is quite possible that your ability to adapt to a treadmill desk goes up as you adjust to working at a treadmill desk.  Additionally, people who don’t start off with a lot of weight to lose or already have a high metabolism won’t necessarily see immediate weight loss or notice an increase in metabolism right away.

While not everyone can afford to spend a thousand dollars to have a customized treadmill desk, you may want to check out my cheapest treadmill desk workstation as an option.