Lemon Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

I was given the gift of some DoTerra essential oils by a wonderful family member who is a representative. Since I didn’t know much about essential oils or how to use them, I decided to do some research and figure out how to use these oils and what their benefits are! Lemon so far is my favorite essential oil scent.

Lemon Essential Oil Uses

Lemon essential can be used to help clear up stomach illness. It is carminative and works to support stomach problems. These include indigestion, acidity, cramps and an upset stomach. To treat a stomach illness, add three drops of lemon oil to water. This will help to reduce heartburn and indigestion.

Lemon essential oil can be used to improve your alertness and concentration. In order to do this, you can put three drops of essential oil in a diffuser while you are working. It is great for energy and mental clarity. Lemon oil can be rubbed on your hands or you can inhale it for a quick pick me up.

You can repel insects with lemon essential oil. You can mix lemon oil with peppermint and eucalyptus oil to repel ants and other insects. Place it in a spray bottle with water and spray it on your skin for a safe insect repellent.[easyazon_image align=”right” cart=”n” height=”160″ identifier=”B004O22328″ locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41moSIs2eOL._SL160_.jpg” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]

Fevers can be reduced with lemon essential oils. You can add one drop of lemon and peppermint oil to the bottom of your feet. This will help to reduce fever and provide infection relieve. Lemon oil is very effective against infectious diseases such as typhoid, malaria and controlling a fever.

You can use lemon essential oil to clean your house. Lemon oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties and therefore is a great disinfectant. It can be utilized for cleaning the body, metal surfaces, clothes and dishes. Simply add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a vinegar cleaning solution for a fresh and effective cleanser.

Lemon essential oil can be used to soothe a sore throat. You can add lemon essential oil to some hot water with honey in it. This will soothe a scratchy and sore throat.

[easyazon_image align=”left” cart=”n” height=”160″ identifier=”B06Y2BJH9K” locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51LAs454hwL._SL160_.jpg” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]Prevent your cut apples and avocados from turning brown by placing them in some water with a few drops of lemon essential oil.

Lemon essential oils can be used to enhance taste. Lemons are popular citrus fruits and widely used for culinary purposes. They are a good source of vitamins and they aid in digestion. Lemons add a pleasant taste and aroma to food. Lemon juice is one of the most popular drinks. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to softened butter and use on fish and steamed veggies. Lemon oil can be added to enhance the flavor of frosting, lemon meringue, lemon cakes, lemon squares, lemon cookies and lemonade!

Hair care regimens can be enhanced with lemon essential oils. Lemon oil is a powerful hair refresher. It can be used to eliminate dandruff. Some people use lemon oil for strong, shiny and healthy hair. Simply add a couple drops of lemon oil to a spray bottle. Spritz hair in the sun for natural highlights.

Lemon essential oils can clear your nasal passages. Inhaling the aroma of lemons promotes good air flow and steady breathing. If you are suffering from allergies or asthma, you can try combining 3 drops of lemon, lavender and peppermint oil to the soles of your feet and behind the neck and ears everyday.

Remove gum, sticky residue and crayons with lemon oil. Lemon essential oil is wonderful at removing gum from the carpet or hair. You can also use it to take off sticky labels on bottles and jars. Lemon oil will remove the crayon marks that kids have drawn on walls.

With it’s anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, lemon oil can help you soften calluses, bunions and corns. Apply it consistently to the hardened skin surfaces and the lemon oil will gently soften those areas.


Lemon Essential Oil Benefits

The benefits that are derived from using lemon essential oil can be attributed to its stimulating, calming, carminative, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, astringent, antiseptic, disinfectant, and sleep-inducing properties. The key to lemon oil’s healing power is in the lemon rinds. Lemon rinds are where the essential oil is extracted. They are one of the richest sources of d-limonene. D-limonene is the most common cancer-fighting terpenes in nature.

Boosts your immune system: Lemon oil is high vitamin content, which makes it incredible for the body’s immune system. It further stimulates white blood cells, thus increasing your ability to fight off diseases. Lemon oil also improves circulation throughout the body.

Lemon essential oil can boost your mood. It will chase away the blues. The scent of lemons is calming to the nervous system. It therefore aids in eliminating mental fatigue, exhaustion, anxiety, nervous tension and nervousness. Lemon oil refreshes the mind and provides the wonderful benefit of a positive mindset.

Weight loss is one of the benefits that arise from using lemon essential oil. It is very helpful in reducing weight, and satisfying your appetite. When you add lemon oil to your water, it will reduce your appetite and lower your chances of overeating. A study published in Experimental Biology and Medicine discovered that breathing in the scent of lemon essential oils enhanced the neurological activity which promotes the breakdown of body fat.

One of the many health benefits of lemon oil is that it provides relief from insomnia. Using lemon oil in either a diffuser or a few drops behind your ears and neck can assist in getting a good night’s sleep.

Ways to Use Essential Oils

  • Diffusers – Replace air fresheners with a diffuser and essential oils. This is a much healthier way to have a lovely scent in your home.[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”160″ identifier=”B018CLNEOM” locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/515RSq%2B5j4L._SL160_.jpg” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”160″]
  • Dab a drop on the ears, behind the neck
  • Rub onto the bottom of feet
  • Add to water
  • Cooking – will enhance the flavors of foods.

Enhance Your Life with Lemon Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great enhancement to your life. You can add them to a diffuser for a pleasant scent to your home. If you are feeling down-and-out the zesty lemon scent may provide a nice boost to your mood or pick me up. Lemon essential oil with its anti-fungal and antiseptic properties can help to clean wounds and prevent infections. You can make your own cleaner with lemon essential oil and eliminate some chemicals that are in commercial cleaners.

Lemon essential oil with its wide range of benefits is one of the most useful oils to have on hand. It is easily available through Amazon or you can learn more about them through your local DoTerra representative.




8 thoughts on “Lemon Essential Oil Uses and Benefits”

  1. Such an informative post from you. Great work. I had no idea lemon oil can help for upset stomach and indigestion. Thank you for filling me up because I always had indigestion problem. I will give it a try from what you post. keep it up. Cheers!


    1. I haven’t tried it. I just read anecdotal experiences and some research that says it does. Thanks so much for your comment and feedback! Best wishes to you!

  2. I have never thought of using lemons to clear my nasal passages. I have been really stopped up lately so I may consider doing this.

    I really like the idea of using this for weight loss. I am working on getting my weight down and limiting my risk of a second stroke. Thank you for such wonderful information.

  3. I have always loved lemons and use them a lot in cooking. I had never thought of purchasing lemon essential oil or that you could use it for so many things. It sounds like it may help in the summer months when I can suffer with hay fever. The weight loss idea appeals too !

  4. This is an amazing article. Thank you for enlightening me, I didn’t know lemons had so many benefits. Especially the sleep-inducing part. I have had difficulty sleeping at times. I would surely consider some of the points. Thank you again!!

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