How To Increase Your Energy Levels Naturally

We all need energy to accomplish tasks at work and the activities that we enjoy. There are plenty of pills and potions that tout an ability to increase your energy levels, but they may not be natural. This can cause drastic health problems. There are ways to increase your energy levels naturally!

1. Drink Water

When your body gets dehydrated, it can leave you feeling drained. Don’t worry about following the “eight glasses a day” recommendation. However, you do want to drink enough to keep you body hydrated. A good indicator of dehydration is dark colored urine. If your urine is light-colored, it is unlikely that you are dehydrated.

Drink water when you are thirsty. Aim to have a drink of water every few hours.

2. Get Moving

Exercise invigorates the body. It is a natural energy booster. As you exercise, oxygen-rich blood circulates to your heart, muscles and brain. Schedule regular exercise into your day even if it is only 10 minutes at a time. This will keep your energy levels high.

Stand up and move around whenever you have the chance. Find an excuse to leave your desk and run an errand or use the restroom. You’ll come back to work a bit more energized and focused.

3. Get Sunshine

The sun provides us with vitamin D. It has been shown to enhance your mood, memory and your own ability to absorb new information. Sunshine also has been known to improve self-esteem.

Get outside on your lunch break and walk around a bit. You’ll feel better in the natural environment, your body will create the much-needed vitamin D, and you’ll get energized.

4. Reduce Stress

Stress can result from busy lifestyles. It typically manifests in anxious thoughts, overwhelmed feelings and an inability to concentrate. Feeling stressed is also linked to tiredness.

You may not be able to completely remove sources of stress, but you can minimize lifestyle stress. Take some time for yourself to relax, read or go for a walk.

Mindfulness and meditation techniques also help to combat stress. Many people report feeling more energized after yoga or meditation.

5. Eat a Nutritious Diet

Foods will deplete your energy levels. While your body does need fuel to keep going, many of our modern foods deplete the nutrients in our bodies because they are deficient in nutrition.

Select whole, nutritious foods, such as meat, vegetables and fruits. Avoid eating processed foods and foods high in sugar. These will affect your energy levels.

Try not to skip meals as this may cause you to miss out on necessary nutrients.

6. Avoid Sugar

It is always tempting to indulge in the donuts that your co-worker brought as a treat. However, that treat will deplete your magnesium levels and zap your energy. The short-term energy boost wears off fast.

Foods high in sugar spike your blood sugar. The body then needs to release large amounts of insulin to bring the blood sugar back down.

The blood sugar spike is what creates the rush of energy. It is followed by a slump of energy because your body needs to use its magnesium reserves to process the sugar.

Large amounts of sugar also put you at risk for diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Therefore, it is good for everyone to avoid too much sugar.


7. Supplement with Magnesium

Modern agriculture has depleted soils of the essential element, magnesium. Most Americans are magnesium deficient. When you have a magnesium deficiency, your heart beats faster. It requires more energy to get things done.

A deficiency in magnesium will leave you feeling physically exhausted most of the time. One natural source of magnesium is fish. Eating more fish can help you address your magnesium deficiency.

Other methods of countering a magnesium deficiency include taking Epsom salt baths, supplementing with 350 milligrams per day, and eating organic vegetables.



Yoga is a great way to reduce fatigue. The Savasana pose (also known as the corpse pose) is highly beneficial in eliminating fatigue. Savasana pose is usually done at the end of a yoga session. It looks like a quiet nap on the floor. However, you are conscious and restoring your energy.

As you lay awake and conscious, focus on slowing down your breathing. Make sure that you are allowing the air to flow in and out of your nasal passages. (See Buteyko Breathing technique)

These methods of increasing your energy levels can be incorporated throughout the day to ensure that you have high energy levels. None of them take up too much time or money, so you can start incorporating these energy boosters today!

28-Day Keto Challenge Review

28-Day Keto Challenge Review

Name: 28-Day Keto Challenge


Price: $37

Owners: Keto Resources

Overall Rank: 85 out of 100

28-Day Keto Challenge, Product Overview

This digital product consists of seven books to help you conquer the ketogenic diet and see results. You’ll not only learn the basics and mechanics of the ketogenic diet, but you’ll also discover effective ways to tackle the social situations that may make you cave into carbohydrates.

The 28-Day Keto challenge includes:

  1. Keto Diet Basics – This book helps you understand the foundation of the diet.
  2. Eating Well on Keto – You’ll get 10 breakfast recipes, 14 lunch recipes and 14 dinner recipes and a 28-day meal planning calendar.
  3. Staying in Ketosis – Discover how to get into ketosis in 3 days and how to know if you’re in ketosis.
  4. Mastering Macros – Learn to calculate macronutrients and discover the proper ratios for ketosis.
  5. Beating the Keto Flu – Don’t freak out when the “keto flu” hits. Learn how to make it go away.
  6. Intermittent Fasting – Explore 5 different types of intermittent fasting to jump start ketosis and speed up fat loss.
  7. Social Situations – Uncover healthy ways of handling the social eating pressures. Tips for eating out and guidelines for alcohol consumption.
  8. Guilt- Free Desserts – 36 mouth-watering “fat bomb” recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth!
  9. Yummy Avocado Recipes – Delicious and unique ketogenic friendly ways to prepare an avocado.
  10. Keto Supplements Guide – Learn the 12 recommended Keto supplements to transition to ketosis and make the diet more effective.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  • This is a well-structured 28-day program. It is great for the person who is very new to keto and doesn’t have a clue what they’ll be eating in the morning. Lots of recipes to help you get through the month.
  • The books are well laid out and easy to understand.
  • This program helps you to avoid the dreaded Keto flu, which can occur when your body adapts too quickly to a new diet.
  • Recipes are printable and you can take them with you to the store to buy the ingredients.
  • 60-day Money-back Guarantee.

The Bad:

  • Recipes don’t discourage you from using unhealthy fats, such as margarine.
  • Focuses on the weight loss aspect of the ketogenic diet and now the health benefits – such as seizure prevention, etc.
  • It is digital. Many people prefer books.

Who is 28-Day Keto Challenge For?

The 28-day keto challenge is for beginners to the ketogenic diet who are focused on weight loss. It provides them with great recipe options to get started, the tips and tricks necessary to stay on the diet, and ways to avoid the ketogenic flu.

The combination of excellent recipes and a meal planner will help you stay on track. The book on dealing with Social Situations will help you get through those happy hours and networking events where it seems too easy to try the free drinks and food.

While all the information contained in the books can be searched online, it is nice to have it all in one place. Purchasing the program will elevate your commitment to sticking with it for 28 days. Once you have 28 days of the diet under you belt, it becomes easy!

Reasons to try the 28-Day Keto Challenge

Those who have tried the 28-day keto challenge report the following:

  • Be lighter and thinner… common to lose12+ pounds!
  • An increase in energy
  • Better sleep…wake up more rested
  • Improvement in skin and hair texture
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment
  • Who doesn’t love eating bacon and eggs for breakfast everyday!

Most importantly…GAIN MOMENTUM with your new Keto lifestyle.

28-Day Keto Challenge Support

The 28-Day Keto Challenge doesn’t come with support in the form of a counselor or someone to consult with. However, the resources that you are provided with are fairly comprehensive and you probably won’t need it.

28-Day Keto Challenge Price

The cost of the program is reasonable. It is $37, which is comparable to the cost of a ketogenic recipe book. However, with this you not only get the recipes, you also get the additional books on coping with being on a diet, the pitfalls to avoid with the ketogenic diet and how to master the macronutrients.

For a month long challenge, it costs you a little over a dollar a day. This is very affordable and can be life-changing if you use the meal planner to plan out your meals and stick with the ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet will not only help you lose weight, but it will decrease inflammation in the body. This results in eliminating chronic health conditions.

My Final Opinion of 28-Day Keto Challenge

I just finished a month on the ketogenic diet. I feel great. For me, it wasn’t the first time I had done the ketogenic diet, so I knew a lot of the information in the 28-day keto challenge. However, there were great recipes that I will continue to incorporate.

I absolutely love that they have ways to handle social situations. I am great at staying on the diet when I’m at home because it is so satiating. However, when I go out, I tend to succumb to temptation. For me, the book on handling social situations was the most valuable.

My results after 28 days on the ketogenic diet are an increase in mental clarity, increase in energy. I did not experience weight loss, but I am at my ideal weight. I have done the ketogenic diet for health improvement and seizure prevention.

28-Day Keto Challenge at a Glance…

Name: 28-Day Keto Challenge



Price: $37

Overall Scam Rank: 85 out of 100

VERDICT: LEGIT! It is a great product. I recommend it to those people who are getting started with the ketogenic diet and don’t know where to begin. It will provide you with the recipes that you need for the whole month.

28 Day Keto Challenge

The GAPS diet and Epilepsy – Should You Try It?

The Ketogenic diet is well-known for helping people lose weight and eliminating seizures. However, another great diet on the scene that was created by a neurologist, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, is helping people with epilepsy as well. It is the GAPS diet or the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet.

There are a few advantages to doing the GAPS diet for epilepsy over the ketogenic diet. There is a lot of overlap in the food recommendations between the GAPS diet and the ketogenic diet as well.

Let’s dive in to why you might want to consider the GAPS diet or a ketogenic version of the GAPS diet.

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Nutrient Density

The GAPS diet is very nutrient dense. It focuses intensely on healing and sealing the gut. In order to heal the gut, you need lots of nutrients.

Certain nutrients are vital to brain health. For example, B vitamins are essential for brain function. The brain can not function well without essential amino acids and vital nutrients.

Vitamin B12 helps with faster and better cognition. It assists with electrical signaling between neurons. Even a slight vitamin B12 deficiency, which often occurs in patients with epilepsy, will result in poorer quality of myelination. When this occurs, the electrical signaling is poor and could be the cause of seizures.

A vitamin B12 deficiency is known to cause fatigue, fogginess and depression. Chronic deficiency can result in permanent damage and dementia.

Vitamin A is another important vitamin for brain functioning. It is helpful in spatial memory. Although, researchers are still looking into the reasons behind this.

Magnesium is a mineral with an essential role in nerve transmission and neuromuscular conduction. Magnesium functions in a protective role against the excessive excitation that can result in seizures and neuronal cell death.

The Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet emphasizes eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals including organ meats, bone broths and cooked vegetables.

Eliminates Toxins

The toxins that are found in modern foods include artificial flavorings, artificial colors, pesticides, and preservatives. The ketogenic diet does not focus too intently on the quality of the foods. The GAPS diet is much more particular about which foods are safe to eat.

The GAPS diet requires you to eliminate processed foods and make all of your own foods from scratch. This is a huge undertaking, but if you focus on simple foods like eating a piece of meat, bone broth soups and simply cooked vegetables, it can be very manageable.

By eliminating the toxins and increasing the food quality, not only will you reduce the chances of seizures, but you may also heal from other disorders. The GAPS diet has helped heal many people with autoimmune conditions, ADHD, and autism.

Greater Variety of Foods

Many people mistakenly believe that it is ketosis that leads to seizure control. While ketosis provides the body with many health benefits, it is not the only element in the ketogenic diet that is supporting seizure control.

The Gut and Psychology Syndrome diet allows for more carbohydrates than the ketogenic diet. It allows for a limited amount of fresh fruit, which the ketogenic diet permits.

The GAPS diet is designed to be extremely restrictive in the early stages and lead you to healing the gut and allowing an assortment of foods. Many people only do the GAPS diet for two years and then incorporate a standard American diet.

When compared to the ketogenic diet, it is often prescribed for children and used for about 3 years to control seizures. Some patients may stay on it indefinitely.

Healing the Gut

The GAPS diet aims at healing the gut to eliminate the cause of seizures. If a leaky gut is the cause of your seizures, the GAPS diet will cure you of your seizures when done correctly.

Healing the gut will also improve digestion, increase nutrient absorption, eliminate allergies, and cure autoimmune conditions.


The GAPS diet is a great diet for people with epilepsy. I am doing a combination of GAPS diet and ketogenic diet now. In the past, I have done the GAPS diet, but just stuck with it long enough for my seizures to get under control. I got frustrated when I didn’t see new hair regrowth. (Alopecia is my main reason for trying any diet.)

So, if you have epilepsy, I highly recommend a ketogenic version of the GAPS diet. This will mean that you buy higher quality meats and skip the sugar free jello snacks, but it will give you a much better chance to heal all of your health conditions.

I recommend a ketogenic version of the GAPS diet. Check out the ketogenic cookbook for some recipe ideas today and make sure that you are using GAPS friendly ingredients!

What is the Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy?

Doctors have moved away from prescribing the ketogenic diet for epilepsy due to the convenience of prescribing an anti-convulsant. Medication is easier for a doctor to monitor and implement than dietary changes. It can also have a more immediate effect than a dietary change. But the ketogenic diet for epilepsy is really effective when done correctly!

The ketogenic diet for epilepsy is an extremely low carbohydrate diet that focuses on healthy fats. The ketogenic diet has recently become more accepted within the weight loss community, but there are often some key differences between the two diets.

First and foremost, the weight loss ketogenic dieters will often eat processed or unhealthy foods as long as they are under the macronutrient levels that are prescribed. People don’t always focus on eating healthy foods when they are concerned about weight loss.

What to Eat on the Ketogenic Diet?

When prescribed for epilepsy, the ketogenic diet focuses on maintaining a high fat to carbohydrate ratio. The main goal is to get the body into ketosis and keep it there.

The classical ketogenic diet is about 80% fats, 15% protein and 5% carbohydrates. Any foods that fit into the these macronutrient levels tend to be generally accepted on the ketogenic diet.

Most of the foods that are less than 20 grams of carbohydrates will be vegetables. Fatty cuts of meat such as rib-eye steak, high fat ground beef and bacon are encouraged. Additional fats such as mayonnaise and butter are encouraged.

Why Does the Ketogenic For Epilepsy Work?

There isn’t actually one accepted reason why the ketogenic diet works in preventing seizures. The best we can do is examine the diet and hypothesize why it may be preventing seizures. Some of the key concepts taken from Frontiers in Neuroscience include:

  • Glucose produces rapidly available energy that is necessary for seizure activity. In the ketogenic diet, the blood glucose energy levels are low, reducing the availability of glucose as an energy fuel for seizures.
  • Chronic ketosis elevates the brain energy reserve through the stabilization and reduction of excitability of the synapses.
  • The Ketogenic diet induced stabilization is also due to critical changes in the amino acids due to ketone metabolism.
  • The ketogenic diet interferes with the concentration of gamma-aminobutryic acid, which is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter.
  • The gut microbiota can have an anti-seizure effect on the ketogenic diet. It increases the beneficial bacteria Akkermansia muciniphila and Parabacteroides spp. This leads to changes in the colonic luminal metabolome with a decrease in gamma-glutamyl amino acids.
  • The ketogenic diet interferes with pro-inflammatory cytokines which could cause seizures.
  • The ketogenic diet eliminates many foods that contains toxins that could trigger seizures.

The ketogenic diet for epilepsy has a different mechanism than anti-epileptic drugs. It functions on a metabolic theory that suggests seizure control is realized through natural restoration of the metabolic state. This includes the mitochondrial pathways and energy metabolism.

The ketogenic diet requires systemic modifications and a dynamic metabolic homeostasis. The interplay between ketone bodies, glucose levels, mitochondrial function, and synaptic neurotransmitters can lead to changes in seizure threshold. These changes are what lead to the anti-convulsant properties of the ketogenic diet.

Efficacy of the Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy

What kind of results can you expect from the ketogenic diet? This will definitely be influenced by your ability to comply with the diet.

Kossof studied 20 children on 10 grams of carbohydrates a day. 65% had a greater than 50% reduction in their seizure activity and 35% had over 90% reduction. Four of the children were seizure free at six months on the diet.

Kang studied children in South Korea. 36% of 14 children on the Modified Atkins Diet for seizures (slightly more carbohydrates than the ketogenic diet) demonstrated a greater than 50% improvement in seizures. 12% became seizure-free.

In a study in South Korea, 36% of 14 children treated with the MAD showed improvement of >50% in seizures and 12% were seizure-free ()

A meta-analysis of studies on the ketogenic diet showed that the number of patients who achieve greater than 50% seizure reduction ranges from 20-70%. The diet is abandoned between 12-82% of patients.

It does require quite a bit of discipline to stay on a ketogenic diet, which may be why many of the patients are abandoning the diet. However, achieving greater than 50% reduction in seizures is quite good. Many patients who take anti-convulsants don’t get full control on the anti-convulsant.

How Do Your Begin the Diet?

The ketogenic diet for epilepsy is started under close medical supervision especially when being used as a mono therapy. It is begun gradually over a 3 to 4 day period. The blood sugar and ketone levels are monitored.

Carbohdyrates are reduced to less than 20 carbohydrates per day. Fats will be 80% of the diet, while Protein will be about 15% of the diet and the remaining 5% of the diet will be carbohydrates from vegetables.

For epilepsy patients that are currently on medication, it is safe to start the ketogenic diet simply by reducing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your fat intake gradually. Start by eliminating processed junk foods like candy, soda, and chips.

Similar Dietary Approaches to Epilepsy

The classical ketogenic diet can be very restrictive. Some patients may want to adopt a diet that is more flexible or even one that is a bit more strict.

  • Modified Atkins Diet – Uses a high proportion of fats and strict control of carbohydrates. Approximate portion sizes can be used in place of weighed out recipes.
  • Low glycemic index treatment – This diet focuses on how carbohydrates affect the level of glucose in the patient’s blood. It restricts the amount of carbohydrates eaten. Approximate portion sizes are used as well.
  • GAPS Diet – A diet focusing on healing the intestinal lining of the gut in order to prevent seizures. It was created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride and helps to address neurological symptoms that arise due to a leaky gut.
  • Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet – An approach from the Paleomedicina group in Hungary led by Zsofia Clemens to treat seizures. The diet focuses on only eating paleolithic food and organ meat in a ketogenic ratio. It is a much stricter diet with greater success rates.



The ketogenic diet can be an effective way to get your seizure under control whether you are taking an anti-convulsant or not. There are many benefits to the ketogenic diet when it comes to reducing inflammation in the body as well. If you haven’t tried the ketogenic diet, click here to get a free digital cookbook.

Dr. Carolyn Dean’s ReMyte Review

ReMyte Mineral Solution Review

Name: ReMyte Mineral Solution – Dr. Carolyn Dean’s PicoMeter Multiple Minerals from RnA ReSet
[easyazon_image align=”right” cart=”n” height=”389″ identifier=”B074QVN696″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]
Website: Available at

Price: $39.99

Owners: Dr. Carolyn Dean

Overall Rank: 80 out of 100 (4/5 star rating on Amazon)

ReMyte Mineral Solution, Product Overview

This is Dr. Carolyn Dean’s pico-meter mineral formula supplement. It is a concentrated solution of twelve different minerals that you add to water. ReMyte is recommended by doctors and naturopaths for its quality and bio-availability. ReMyte includes boron, iodine, selenium, zinc, magnesium and more.

The product was designed to boost the electrolytes in the body. Electrolytes are ionic conductors of the body’s electrical current. The electrolytes are dissolved into bodily fluids and travel through the body to activate nerve and muscle cells during physical activity. ReMyte balances these electrolytes for complete hydration.

ReMyte provides the body with a dozen minerals in a unique picometer size for fast absorption into the body at the cellular level. The potency of the minerals can be very low. This eliminates the chance of toxicity.

The minerals included in ReMyte all have specific roles to play in bone health, blood vessel integrity, immune regulation, blood sugar balance and thyroid support.

The ReMyte mineral solution works in conjunction with Dr. Carolyn Dean’s ReMag, which stabilizes both lipid cell membranes. ReMyte allows the mineral ions to properly enter the cells and perform their cellular functions.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  1. Provides the body with 12 minerals.
  2. Fast absorption due to picometer size.
  3. The taste is not strong when combined with water.

The Bad:

  1. Pricing seems a bit high when you add an extra $7 for shipping.
  2. Don’t notice any difference in my own health and blood levels after taking it for six months.

Who is ReMyte For?

Due to the fact that the soils are severely mineral deficient, the entire population is becoming mineral deficient. The quality of our foods is going down with each new processed food and the chemical flavorings that are being added.

ReMyte is a supplement that will help to restore the mineral levels in your body so that it can perform its functions properly.


ReMyte Mineral Solution Support

You can contact Carolyn Dean through her website at She also has a YouTube channel where she will answer questions and discuss the completement formulas that she has created.

ReMyte Mineral Solution Price

I feel the ReMyte Mineral Solution price is a bit high at almost $40 per bottle. However, the bottles tend to last me about two months. For $20 per month, I can supplement and receive the minerals that my body needs.

My Final Opinion of ReMyte Mineral Solution

Despite some great sales and marketing, I haven’t seen a major increase in my health and wellness over the past six months that I have been taking this product. While the picometer size may make a big difference in absorption, I’m questioning whether it does.

The product supposedly supports thyroid health, but my last thyroid test was still a bit elevated. There was no change there. I’m looking into trying some other trace mineral supplements.

ReMyte Mineral Solution at a Glance…[easyazon_infoblock align=”right” cart=”n” identifier=”B074QVN696″ locale=”US” tag=”mcurle08-20″]

Name: Dr. Carolyn Dean’s ReMyte Mineral Solution

Website: Available at or

Owners: Dr. Carolyn Dean

Price: $39.99

Overall Scam Rank: 80 out of 100

VERDICT: LEGIT – The product contains the minerals that the body needs. Many people are seeing great results based on the customer reviews from Amazon. My experience with the product was just satisfactory. I didn’t see amazing changes in my health.

ReMyte Reviews (from Amazon):

Helps with AFib

“My Afib has improved 90% and its only been 2 months. Highly recommend.” – diane

Helps with Leg Cramps

“Had a really persistent leg muscle cramp overnight recently that kept me up all night until I made myself a 2oz swig of a prorated mix of Remag pick-ionic magnesium with the salted water, cramps stopped immediately.” – test tech

Reduced Migraines

“My migraines have been reduced by 95% after suffering with them for 45 years.” -Lois

Dr. Caroloyn Dean’s ReMag Magnesium Solution Review

ReMag Magnesium by RnA ReSet Review

Name: ReMag Pico-Ionic Liquid Magnesium by RnA ReSet

Website: Available at

Price: $29.99 + 7.32 shipping (8 ounce bottle)

Owners: Dr. Carolyn Dean

Overall Rank: 90 out of 100

[easyazon_image align=”right” cart=”n” height=”500″ identifier=”B01M1989NK” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”306″]
ReMag Magnesium Solution, Product Overview

ReMag Pico-Ionic Liquid Magnesium is a magnesium supplement that is intended to eliminate symptoms of magnesium deficiency. ReMag is different from other magnesium due to its increased absorption. It doesn’t have the common laxative effect that many magnesium solutions have.

ReMag features:

  • Highly concentrated. 60,000ppm concentration of 99.99% pure elemental magnesium.
  • Strong taste. Dilute with water.
  • Promotes strong bones, muscles, cardiovascular health and nervous system function.
  • Increased absorption. The pico-ionic form allows absorption at the cellular level.

The ReMag minerals are sourced from a pure source of magnesium chloride. The product was developed with a small ion size that is similar in size to plant magnesium. This helps to deliver stabilized magnesium ions to your cells. The ReMag picometer-ionic form of magnesium allows for direct and complete absorption into your body’s cells. This prevents a diarrhea response to magnesium because it is absorbed before it reaches the large intestine.


The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  1. This does not seem to cause much of a laxative effect at all. You can take it without worrying about running to the bathroom.
  2. It is in liquid form and easy to swallow.
  3. Due to the pico-ionic size, you are more likely to absorb the magnesium.
  4. When diluted the taste is unnoticeable.
  5. Sourced from pure magnesium chloride.

The Bad:

  1. The cost is competitive for a magnesium supplement, but you have to pay extra for shipping.
  2. On its own, it tastes very bad. Must dilute the concentrate.
  3. Some customers did experience a laxative effect.

Who is ReMag For?

According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, a magnesium supplement is for everyone now that we have reduced the mineral content in our food due to poor agricultural practices. This may be an essential supplement if you aren’t eating beef liver or drinking mineral water.

Magnesium is important to almost every bodily function that we have. When magnesium levels are low, you will start to experience muscle cramps, fatigue, aches and pains, mood problems, PMS, heart irregularities, anxiety, digestive issues, constipation and ADHD.

ReMag Magnesium Support

Dr. Carolyn Dean and her team at RNA reset have fairly good customer service. They also have an informative YouTube channel where they discuss how to use the ReMag and other formulas.


ReMag Price

The cost of 8 ounces of ReMag concentrated magnesium solution is $29,99. Other brands of magnesium are less expensive and include shipping. However, if more of the magnesium in the ReMag really is getting absorbed into your body than the other less expensive brands, I would definitely consider the price competitive and fair.

I do wish that shipping was included in the cost as it is for many other brands on Amazon.


My Final Opinion of ReMag

I think this is a good product. I have actually been taking it for about 8 months now. The last time I checked my magnesium levels, they were in the normal range, so that is good.

I do like that the product comes in a liquid form and is theoretically more absorbable than other forms of magnesium (or so they claim. Not sure how to prove that claim).

[easyazon_infoblock align=”center” cart=”n” identifier=”B01LZLSJ7B” locale=”US” tag=”mcurle08-20″]

ReMag Magnesium Solution at a Glance…

Name: ReMag Liquid Magnesium Solution

Website: Available at

Owners: Dr. Carolyn Dean

Price: $29.99

Overall Scam Rank: 90 out of 100 (4.5/5 stars – An A rating!)

VERDICT: LEGIT – This is a great magnesium supplement at a fair price. It has kept my magnesium levels in the normal range.

Other Amazon ReMag Reviews (from Amazon):

“If I could give this ten stars, I would.” – rnaple

“The biggest difference I have seen in myself is no more leg cramps at night.” – Beth


“My blood pressure has normalized. Great product!” – Delores A. Young

“This stuff works, no more heart palpitations!” – Sandra Wade

Overall Amazon 5 star ratings: 69%

The Amazing Benefits of Buteyko Breathing on Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a horrible condition. I know, I suffered from it at a young age. Your chest tightens up and your breathing becomes labored. It is uncomfortable and embarrassing. Even the inhalers only provided minor relief. Sometimes a prescription breathing treatment was necessary to stop the wheezing.

While it may seem far-fetched, practicing Buteyko Breathing exercises can eliminate the majority of your asthma symptoms. It has worked for me and can work for you too!

Now, let me preface this by saying, I’m not a Buteyko breathing instructor. I am a student and have experienced the results in my own life.

Let’s go over some of the reasons why it works and the downside of Buteyko Breathing Exercises.

How Does Asthma Develop?

To understand how Buteyko could help, you need to understand the root cause of asthma.

Low carbon dioxide values in the bronchi will trigger chronic constriction of your airways. Chronic hyperventilation will make immune reactions abnormal.

The immune system will become hypersensitive to allergens from foods and will weaken the response to pathogens.

Hyperventilation should mean a state of increased alertness and emergency. Keeping your body constantly in this state is not good.

While your immune system is hypersensitive inhaling dust particles or pollen can trigger inflammatory responses, excessive mucus production, anxiety and panic. The airways tend to constrict further.

The reason steroids and inhalers tend to work is that they halt the inflammatory response. They do it unnaturally though and you begin to rely on them.

Buteyko Breathing Benefits

Whether you achieve asthmatic freedom from Buteyko Breathing exercises or not, there are some great benefits to using this technique.

  1. You learn to breathe correctly.
  2. Your posture improves and you look better.
  3. Nasal breathing is quieter.
  4. You won’t yawn as much.
  5. You become more mindful and aware of how your body functions.

These benefits will occur if you do the exercises consistently and correctly. You will train yourself to breathe through your nose with your diaphragm. To breathe with your diaphragm, you must have good posture. Good posture always looks better than slouching.

How Does it Work?

The theory behind Buteyko Breathing is that the gas exchange has been messed up. You are taking in too much oxygen too quickly and your body isn’t able to correctly utilize it for bodily functions.

The Russian medical doctor, Konstantin Buteyko, noticed that people who had severe illnesses tended to hyperventilate and release too much carbon dioxide from the body. To compensate, their bodies limited the release of carbon dioxide with the tightening of the bronchial muscles and production of mucus.

Diseases start to occur because the body doesn’t have the proper balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Balancing out the body with proper breathing enables it to function better and eliminate symptoms of disease.

The technique that Buteyko designed is thought to correct hyperventilation and the decreased levels of carbon dioxide. The breathing techniques can lead to a reduction in reliance on asthma medications.

Breathing through the nose rather than through the mouth will improve asthma symptoms. The mouth dries the airway and makes it more sensitive and prone to mucus production.

Is There Evidence for Buteyko Breathing and Asthma?

There have been studies done using the Buteyko breathing techniques that demonstrate that it is effective. The Medical Journal of Australia published a study in 1998 noted a trend towards the reduction of steroid use and reportedly a higher quality of life.

In 2000, The Journal of Asthma published a study of 36 adults with mild to moderate asthma. They either received Butyeko Breathing therapy for four weeks or a placebo video. The results showed a significant improvement in quality of life with the Buteyko exercises as well as a significant inhaled bronchodialator intake.

The New Zealand Medicine Journal also looked into the Buteyko breathing exercises. They followed 38 people with asthma for six months following the intervention. The Buteyko breathing group exhibited a reduction inhaled steroid use of 50% and beta2-agonist use of 85%. The control group was unchanged.

The Buteyko Breathing Technique

While most people are encouraged to learn the technique from a clinic or practitioner, you can start implementing the basics on your own. Basically, it involves focusing on breathing through your nose 24/7.

The main exercises requires you to breathe out fully and then trying to breathe out a little more until it feels as though your abdomen is being drawn against your spine. Stay in the exhaled state for as long as you comfortably can. Then allow air back in again slowly.

The exercise must be done without stress. Do not gulp or gasp for air.

Take a break and breathe normally for a while. Then go through the process again.

The aim of the Buteyko breathing exercises is to lengthen the time that you can hold the exhaled position. This is known as the control pause.

Tips for Practicing Buteyko Breathing

Buteyko breathing exercises are best done either before eating or at least two hours after.

The practice consists of nine steps:

  1. Check and record pulse.
  2. Check control pause and record it.
  3. Sit in a straight-backed chair comfortably with good posture.
  4. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  5. Take a shallow breath.
  6. Exhale and plug your nose.
  7. Pause your breathing.
  8. Time your pause and record it.
  9. Rest for a couple minutes and repeat.

Ideally you would spend 20 minutes each day on this exercise. It will retrain you to breathe correctly with the right posture and gas exchange.

For some video explanations, check out How to Do the Buteyko Breathing Exercises.

The Downside to Buteyko Breathing Exercises

While this free exercise can eliminate your asthma symptoms and improve your quality of life, there are some drawbacks. The exercises do take up a lot of time. Twenty minutes per day for a few months isn’t exactly a quick cure.

While the exercises can be learned on your own through a video, people are encouraged to pay for coaching and clinics to learn the breathing method. These sessions can be very expensive.

You may still need to use your inhaler as you are learning the breathing exercises.

Despite the downsides of Buteyko breathing exercises, I still love the technique and feel that my quality of life is greatly improved through Buteyko breathing. I highly recommend looking into it if you are suffering from asthma, allergies or epilepsy.

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The Unbelievable Health Benefits of Beef Liver

Beef liver has somehow fallen out of the standard American diet. It does tend to taste strong and if it is overcooked it can be quite unpleasant to eat. However, the health benefits of beef liver are amazing.

I recently heard about Minot and Whipple curing pernicious anemia through a liver feeding therapy. They fed 2-4 ounces of liver to people on a daily basis to cure pernicious anemia, an autoimmune condition. It worked! Within 8 weeks, the patients’ iron levels had all normalized.

I decided that I should look further into the health benefits of liver and begin incorporating this superfood into my own diet. Here’s what I found…


High in Bioavailable Nutrients

Liver is high in bioavailable nutrients. This means that there aren’t components of the food that may block absorption. In plants, phytates and lectins can often interfere with the nutrient absorption. You may not absorb all the vitamins and minerals when you consume something like grains or nuts.

  • Vitamin A: Liver is highest in vitamin A. The high amount of vitamin A does concern some people and they feel that you could overdose on liver. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that benefits eye health, skin health and cellular turnover.
  • Iron: Liver is high in iron. Iron helps with muscle function, brain function and hemoglobin formation. This makes it crucial for energy production.
  • Copper: Copper is an important mineral because it contributes to nerve and immune health. Copper also assists with collagen production. It is beneficial in the development of hair, joints, skin and nail health.
  • B Vitamins: Liver is a great source of all the B vitamins, especially vitamin B12 and folate. The B vitamins are important for converting food into energy. They help you feel energetic and vibrant in your daily life. Folate is essential for cellular growth.
  • Choline: Liver provides your body with the daily Adequate Intake (AI) for women and almost all of it for men. Choline is beneficial for brain development and liver function.

When you compare the nutrients in liver to apples, carrots and other red meat, liver beats them out by quite a bit!

health benefits of beef liver
Image source:

Liver exceeds the RDI (recommended daily intake) for vitamin B12, vitamin A, riboflavin and copper. One serving will allow you to meet your daily needs. Liver is also rich in the essential nutrients folate, iron and choline.

A High-Quality Protein

Protein is an essential building block for every part of the body. It is needed to make and repair cells and turn food into energy. Over 25% of beef liver contains protein.

Beef liver is very high-quality protein. It provides all the essential amino acids which make up proteins. The essential amino acids must come from food, they can not be made in the body.

Helps with Weight Loss

High protein intake has been shown to assist with weight loss. It reduces hunger and appetite. Protein satisfies hunger much better than carbohydrates, according to a study done by the Rowlett Research Institute.

Protein causes increases your metabolic rate by 15–30%, compared to 5–10% for carbs and 0–3% for fats. Including a high protein food, such as liver, in your diet can increase your metabolic rate. This means you’ll burn more calories which can be helpful for weight loss.

Cures Pernicious Anemia

George Minot and William Murphy studied the diets of patients who had pernicious anemia. Minot ordered his patients to eat a diet with 100 grams to 240 grams of liver per day along with 120 grams of muscle meat, and leafy vegetables, spinach, fruits, eggs and milk.

Many of the patients on Minot’s diet recovered rapidly showing improvements within a few days. After eight weeks, patients’ blood was examined and blood showed newly formed reticulocytes. This supported the diet’s efficacy.


Treats Tropical Sprue

In 1883 Manson promoted the use of liver to treat Tropical Sprue, a digestive disorder. Tropical sprue is similar to celiac sprue. It shows a loss in intestinal villi, which affects the intestinal absorptive function. Patients who have tropical and nontropical sprue suffer from malabsorption.

The cause of sprue has not been determined. Patients with sprue present with macrocytic anemia due to malabsorption of folate or vitamin B12.

Treatment of tropical sprue with vitamin B12 and folate cures the macrocytic anemia and the glossitis. This results in increased appetite and weight gain.

Conclusion – A Healthy Superfood

As you can see, your body will benefit in many ways from consuming liver. People have been healed from pernicious anemia and Tropical Sprue through a diet that is rich in liver. It contains nutrients that benefit almost every aspect of life for your body. From improving your eyesight to easing your digestion, liver is supporting your health on a grand scale.

While liver may not be the tastiest superfood out there, it is worth it to include it in your diet. You may want to check out beef liver capsules if you don’t want to fix yourself liver everyday.

Not sure why grassfed beef is important? Check out the difference between grass fed and grass finished beef.

10 Natural Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Have you ever had difficulty falling asleep? I normally sleep well every night, but occasionally I will have trouble with sleeping. I’ve compiled a list of natural ways to improve your sleep for my insomniac friends out there as well as those who want to increase their energy with a great night’s rest.

1. Develop a Sleeping Routine

Getting in the habit of falling asleep and arising at the same time everyday fine-tunes your biological clock and makes sleeping easier. It can be tempting to stay out late on the weekends and sleep in a bit on the holidays, but it does mess up your routine.

For me, when I travel across time zones and try to fly red-eye flights, my sleep patterns get messed up. So, whenever possible I stick to a sleep/wake routine.

2. Exercise!

Exercise helps to wear you out and make you tired. Aerobic exercise four times a week has been demonstrated by the Northwestern University’s Department of Neurobiology and Physiology to improve sleep quality. Initially, you will feel a bit more energized after a workout, but when it comes time to fall asleep, you will notice that you get deeper sleep and fall asleep faster on the days that you exercise.

3. Eat Healthy Foods

We have far too many processed foods in our diet that interfere with neurological health and brainwave activity. You should cut out the food and drinks that stimulate your mind specifically caffeine, coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate.

Dinner should be your lightest meal of the day. Skip the spicy and heavy foods that give you heartburn and indigestion.

I’m partial to the GAPS diet and the ketogenic diet principles. However, simply cutting back on processed foods can be helpful for everyone.

4. Stop Smoking

Research done at Johns Hopkins University Department of Epidemiology discovered that smokers are four times more likely to not feel as well after a full night’s sleep. They attribute this to nicotine’s stimulative effect on the brain. The nighttime withdrawal from nicotine can interfere with brainwave patterns as well.

Smoking is known to increase sleep apnea and other breathing disorders. This can make it hard to get restful sleep as well.

5. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol can disrupt brainwaves and sleep patterns that make you feel refreshed in the morning. While alcohol has been known to help you doze off, once the effect wears off, you are likely to wake up and have difficulty falling asleep again.

6. Avoid the Electronics

According to the National Sleep Foundation, electronics right before bedtime stimulates your brain. This can make it difficult to turn your mind off and fall asleep. The best thing to do is to avoid computers, video games, and cell phones within the last hour before going to bed.

Using electronics before bed delays your body’s internal clock and suppresses the release of the hormone melatonin, which induces sleep. This is mostly due to the short-wavelength, artificial blue light that electronic devices emit.


7. Claim Your Space

People who share their beds with pets or children tend to experience sleep disruption every night. Dogs and kids can hog the bed and push you into an uncomfortable position on your own bed. Therefore, you may want to claim you bed space for yourself and banish the dogs and children to their own beds.

8. A Temperate Room

Warmer temperatures are great when you are enjoying a day at the beach, but when it gets above 75 degrees it can be difficult to fall asleep. The recommended temperature for sleeping is somewhere around 65 degrees Fahrenheit according to the National Sleep Foundation.

When you lie in bed to fall asleep, your body temperature decreases to initiate sleep. A temperature between 60-67 degrees can help to encourage sleep. If your room is cool, it will be easier to shut your eyes for the night.

9. Keep it Dark

Light signals to your brain that it is time to wake up. Keep your room as dark as possible in order to fall asleep. Sometimes even the light from a cell phone or computer can disrupt your body’s production of melatonin and interrupt your sleep.

I’ve never been a fan of night lights and now I know why!


10. Only Sleep in Your Bed

Do not use your bed for relaxing, eating and watching television. Your brain will mentally associate your bed with these activities and as you lay down, you may be thinking about watching television instead of triggering your body to go to sleep.

You can try meditating or reading right before bed to get yourself sleepy.

Sleep is a wonderful way to rejuvenate your body. However, if you aren’t getting enough sleep, you may need to make these simple adjustments to your lifestyle to start feeling refreshed after a night of sleep again.

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The 3 Best Grass Fed Bone Marrow Supplements

Bone marrow is one of the best supplements that you can take if you want to improve you dental health and your immune function. Many alternative health practitioners are recommending bone broth and bone marrow supplements including Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, The Bone Broth Diet, and Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, The Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet.

Taking bone broth or cooking bone marrow and eating it can be somewhat inconvenient. It can be difficult to source bone marrow. That’s where Grass Fed Bone Marrow Supplements can help! These are easy to order and convenient to take on a daily basis.

Here are the top three Bone Marrow Supplements:


1. Ancestral Supplements Bone Marrow

Name: Ancestral Supplements

Website: Available at

Price: $46.00

Owners: Brian Johnson

Overall Rank: 75 out of 100

Ancestral Supplements Bone Marrow, Product Overview

The bone marrow supplement capsules come in bottles of 180. The bone marrow is sourced from New Zealand grass fed cattle. Each capsule is 1/6 of an ounce of bone marrow. It is recommended to take 6 capsules per day.

The bone marrow is freeze-dried from whole bone extract. Each capsule contains 500 mg. The whole bone extract includes grass fed bone matrix, grass fed bone marrow and grass fed cartilage.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  1. Great way to get bone marrow when you are in a rush and don’t have time to cook bone broth.
  2. High quality, grass-fed bone marrow.
  3. Great customer service with Brian Johnson. He will respond to questions regarding health conditions and concerns with the product. Refunds and replacements are sent for defective products to ensure customer satisfaction.
  4. This product has 92% of people giving it five stars and over 1,000 reviews.

The Bad:

  1. My first order with Ancestral Supplements got lost.
  2. Orders are slow and take longer than the Amazon Prime 2 days.

2. CodeAge Bone Marrow Supplement Review

Name: Code Age Bone Marrow


Price: $32.29

Owners: Code Age

Overall Rank: 80 out of 100

Bone Marrow Capsules, Product Overview

Bone marrow capsules that are 100% additive free. There are no stearates, lubricants, fillers or flow agents. These bone marrow capsules are from pasture raised cattle in Argentina. The cattle are grass fed and grass finished.

The capsules are 100% frees dried and non-defatted. They are hormone and GMO free.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  1. Competitively priced. While not the most expensive, it is also not the least expensive.
  2. Customers report improved hair and nail growth.
  3. Overall customers’ satisfaction – 83% give it a five star rating.

The Bad:

  1. Some customers’ complained about the cost. You can purchase 7lbs of bone marrow for the cost of the bottle of dehydrated bone marrow. However, you will need to prepare it.
  2. 15% of customers’ gave it a 1 star rating citing that Ancestral Supplements had a superior product. One person reported no effects from taking the product and another one reported getting diarrhea from the product.

3. Peak Performance Grass Fed Bone Marrow Supplement Review

Name: Grass Fed Bone Marrow Capsules

Website: – also available on Amazon

Price: $21.95

Owners: Peak Performance

Overall Rank: 90 out of 100

Peak Performance Bone Marrow, Product Overview

Peak Performance Bone Marrow Extract Capsules feature nutrient dense bone marrow from Grass Fed beef that is dedicated to preserve the heat sensitive nutrients found within the cartilage and bones. It is made with the bone matrix, bone marrow and the bone cartilage.

This supplement is free of hormones and GMO. It has no fillers or flow agents.

100% Happiness guarantee. you can get a fast, prompt refund if you don’t love the product.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  1. The price. This is the lowest priced grass fed bone marrow supplement on the market.
  2. The marketing is very similar to the higher priced bone marrow supplements on the market.
  3. 86% of customers’ give it a five star rating.

The Bad:

    1. Doesn’t list where the grass fed beef is sourced like the other products. It could come from a variety of different grass fed sources which have different quality standards.
    2. For each bottle you purchase, they will donate to Nonprofit vitamin angels and supply vitamins to a child at risk of malnutrition. This makes me wonder how they can survive at this price point and whether the quality is very high. However, I have been pleased taking this product so far. It seems to have improved my own health.


Who should supplement with bone marrow?

Grass Fed bone marrow is excellent for improving joint function, increasing skin health and decreasing inflammation. The GAPS diet is a high proponent of incorporating bone marrow into your diet. People following the ketogenic diet often focus on getting higher fat soluble vitamins through bone marrow. Those individuals following a Paleo diet will also want to incorporate bone marrow into their diet due to the rich amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet.

For people who are following the concept of “like supports like” consuming bone marrow theoretically will improve their bone and teeth health. It may also improve the immune function as the major function of bone marrow is to generate blood cells.

My Final Opinion

I love taking bone marrow. It seems to be improving the overall sensitivity of my teeth. It gives me the peace of mind that I am improving my immune system and function by consistently getting some bone marrow in every day. When I first tried the GAPS diet, I discovered that I didn’t like drinking bone broth every day. Taking a bone marrow supplement is a good way to get the bone marrow nutrients in when I can cook up a pot of bone broth.

I love how the bone marrow supplements also fit into a ketogenic diet. They provide plenty of essential B vitamins and minerals without spiking blood sugar levels with carbohydrates.

My Recommendation:

I personally recommend the Peak Performance brand. It is the least expensive and based on the marketing, it is comparable to the other brands. They all claim to be from Grass Fed animals, they all have about the same amount of bone marrow per capsule. Each brand recommends about 6 capsules or the equivalent of one ounce of bone marrow supplement per day.

Peak Performance does support a charity that helps to provide vitamins to impoverished children, which is a nice goal. I’m hopeful that they aren’t providing poor quality vitamins to these children. This wasn’t a factor in my purchase, but it is a nice bonus for charity-minded individuals.