The Magnesium Miracle Audiobook Review – Is Magnesium at the Root of All Health Issues?

Magnesium Miracle Audiobook Review[easyazon_image align=”right” cart=”n” height=”500″ identifier=”B078C8WXCN” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]

Name: The Magnesium Miracle


Price: $14.95

Owners: Dr. Carolyn Dean

Overall Rank: 80 out of 100

The Magnesium Miracle Audiobook, Product Overview

This is an audio recording of Carolyn Dean’s book on Magnesium.

Magnesium plays a vital role in our health. It is one of the most needed minerals and one that is being depleted from our diet. Carolyn Dean estimates that all Americans are magnesium deficient due to our modern farming practices and agricultural based diet.

Dr. Dean is well-researched and has great credentials. She has selected a number of common health complaints and linked them to magnesium deficiency. In her book, she discusses how magnesium deficiency can contribute to anxiety, seizures, heart palpitations, cramps, tension, headaches, weight gain, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more.

Carolyn Dean also delves into the ways that you can increase your magnesium levels, vitamins and minerals that work with magnesium to address health conditions and how certain diets can actually lead to magnesium deficiency.

The Magnesium Miracle is a good resource on the mineral magnesium and how it impacts your health. If you have been stuck in a health rut, magnesium deficiency may be at the core of your health problems. This book will give you some insight into how adding magnesium to your daily routine can improve your health.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

  • Well researched and informative. It is clear that Dr. Dean has done her homework on magnesium and how it impacts health.
  • Easy to understand. Dr. Carolyn Dean lays out the information in laymen terms. You don’t need a medical degree to understand how magnesium will help you.
  • Actionable steps to increasing magnesium levels. She doesn’t leave you hanging. She provides easy to take steps that will increase your magnesium levels as well as your health. Whether you prefer an Epsom salt bath or a magnesium supplement, there are tips to improve your health with magnesium.

The Bad:

  • The book can leave you with the impression that all health problems are due to magnesium deficiency. This may have some people neglecting healthy eating for taking a supplement.
  • The book can come across as a promotion for her magnesium supplement.

Who is The Magnesium Miracle For?

The Magnesium Miracle audio book is great for people who listen to health books in their car or on the go. That isn’t always me, but I wanted to try out audible.

One of the nice things about this book on audible is that you can listen at double the speed and get through the material twice as fast without missing information. You do need to pay attention a bit more when you do something like this!
The Magnesium Miracle Tools & Training

Some of the important take aways from The Magnesium Miracle

  1. Take an Epsom Salt Bath on a regular basis. When starting out 2-3 times per week.
  2. Magnesium will calm your nerves and eliminate cramps. A supplemental dosage of about 400 mg per day is needed for most people.

The Magnesium Miracle Price
The book is priced on Amazon at $14.95. However, if you are testing out an audio book service, such as Audible, you may be able to get it as one of the free introductory books like I did.

The paperback book is definitely worth $14.95, but I don’t place as much value on audio books because you can’t easily reference them. I feel like they are worth a bit less, so I do think the book is a bit overpriced in the audio format.

My Final Opinion of The Magnesium Miracle

This book was definitely written with the bias that magnesium deficiency is at the root cause of every disease. There is research that Dr. Dean has done to back up her statements and that is helpful. However, I remain a bit of a skeptic. After testing out many elimination diets and supplements (even hers!), without regrowing my alopecia universalis. I think that sometimes there are many factors involved.

It is nice to pinpoint a deficiency and correct it. It is great that she has recommendations for increasing your magnesium levels and monitoring them. But, some people may not experience relief from her recommendations.

I’ve actually been using her magnesium supplement for the last six months. While I feel great, I’m not really noticing a huge shift in my health. She does give you a time frame for correcting the magnesium deficiency of six months to a year, which is a pretty long time. Most people want to see immediate results.

The Magnesium Miracle Audiobook at a Glance…

Name: Magnesium Miracle


Owners: Dr. Carolyn Dean

Price: $14.95

[easyazon_infoblock align=”left” cart=”n” identifier=”B078C8WXCN” locale=”US” tag=”mcurle08-20″]

Overall Scam Rank: 80 out of 100

VERDICT: LEGIT – I do recommend this book because it provides an alternative way of viewing common health conditions. I love tips and tricks for improving my health that do not require me to visit a doctor. My experience is that most doctors only have a temporary quick-fix to your health problems. This is more of a long term approach to correcting a deficiency that is causing health complaints.

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