Foods That Trigger Seizures

If you have epilepsy, you may want to be aware of the foods that trigger seizures. Often doctors are not well versed in nutrition and focus intently on the pharmaceutical interventions that will prevent seizures. However, there are many foods that can trigger seizures. Unfortunately, it is difficult to identify them in your diet when you have a very wide variety of foods that you eat and the seizures may take up to 48 hours after you eat the food to appear.



Gluten is a wheat protein. The problem with the way that wheat is processed is that it is sprayed with glyphosate, a neurotoxin prior to harvesting it. Therefore, you are essentially eating a small dose of weed killer each time you take a bite of bread. This is not good for anyone, but especially someone who has a seizure disorder.

Another reason to avoid wheat and wheat containing products is due to the fact that they are high on the glycemic index. Research published in the “Neurology” journal in 2006 indicates that one half of a patient group treated with a diet regimen that had only low-glycemic foods showed 90 percent fewer seizures. Fluctuating blood glucose levels can trigger seizures. All wheat containing foods are high on the glycemic index.

It is best to take all grains out of your diet and focus on meat and vegetables if you have a seizure disorder.

High Glycemic Index Fruits and Vegetables

The Epilepsy Society recommends that you avoid certain vegetables and fruits which fall in the medium to high-glycemic index range. These include bananas, mashed potatoes, mangoes, raisins and dates. You may want to avoid all starchy vegetables including sweet potatoes. Avoiding these fruits and vegetables will help to control your blood sugars, which will improve your brain function. When your blood sugar drastically increases, the neurons can become more excitable and put you at further risk for more seizures.

It is a great idea to follow a ketogenic diet. For more information about following a ketogenic diet check out the free digital cookbook, Bacon and Butter.

Monosodium Glutamate

A food additive monosodium glutamate, MSG, is often used as flavoring in a variety of foods. It is most commonly used in Chinese food. Many individuals are sensitive to MSG. In an animal study published in “Neuroscience Letters” it determined that excess MSG can physically alter the nerves of rats and lead to epileptic seizures. Even if it hasn’t been determined that you are sensitive to MSG, if you suffer from epileptic seizures, these can become worse if you take any amount of MSG. Therefore, it is best to avoid it if possible.

Ginkgo Nuts

A study published in “Epilepsia” in 2001 reported that consuming a great amount of ginkgo nuts can cause vomiting and seizures for hours after their consumption. Ginkgo nuts are commonly eaten in China and Japan. The study discovered that these nuts can trigger seizures even in individuals who do not have a history of epilepsy or any kind of seizures. For individuals with epilepsy, it is best to avoid these types of nuts because they may be toxic to your nervous system.



Dairy is a common trigger for people who have epilepsy. The casein protein is molecularly similar to the gluten protein and can trigger a reaction within the body. Casein triggers an inflammatory response in the body, which can impact the brain. In the clip below, Dr. David Clark, DC, shares an experience treating a child whose seizures were triggered by cheese.