Steve Jones Hypnosis Review

Steve Jones Hypnosis Review

Name: Steve G. Jones Master Power Trading


Price: $29.95

Owners: Steve G. Jones

Overall Rank: 80 out of 100

Steve G. Jones Hypnosis, Product Overview

This is a self hypnosis digital download or CD (depending on what you order). Steve G. Jones has a wide variety of self-hypnosis products that you can use in your own home. He implements visualization, positive affirmations and relaxing sounds into his self-hypnosis programs.

The session is about 30 minutes in length. You hear the relaxing sounds and the voice of Steve G. Jones as he guides you through imagining your success. It is recommended that you listen to the program for 3 weeks as you fall asleep for best results.

The Good & the Bad

The Good:

PRO #1: The audio does actually relax you very much. It can put you in a meditative state.

PRO #2: Steve G. Jones has a very soothing voice and the ocean sounds that he uses are very calming.

PRO #3: This is very similar to other hypnosis programs that I have tried in the past.

The Bad:[easyazon_image align=”right” height=”500″ identifier=”B008JTHJ08″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”500″]

CON #1: It is easy to fall asleep while listening to this. I’m not sure if that is the best thing to do even though he recommends listening while you fall asleep. I have heard two different takes on this – some people claim that you can’t hear anything while you are asleep and therefore your subconscious does not absorb the information and other people claim the opposite.

CON #2: I’m not entirely sure I was hypnotized. I sure felt comfortable and enjoyed listening to it, but I don’t know if I achieved a hypnotic state because it is a self-hypnosis program.

Who are Steve G. Jones Hypnosis products for?

Steve G. Jones‘ self hypnosis products are for the individuals who are feeling stuck with their progress of any area of their life. He has hypnosis products to help address your dating issues, weight, exercise, controlling spending, gaining wealth and more!

Hypnosis Tools & Training

The only tools that you need for this product is an mp3 player or computer and some speakers or headphones to play the recording as you drift off to sleep.

There is no training available for this product. It is simple enough to just listen to the audio each night for 21 days, or three weeks. He has a money back guarantee if you don’t see results in your life from listening to his audio.

Steve G. Jones Hypnosis Product Support
The support offered with the product is email support. He has a contact form on his website and if you have any questions or complaints about the audio, you can contact him. Here is the contact formhttp://www.betterlivingwithhyp…

Steve G. Jones Hypnosis Products Pricing

He has two levels of pricing, a gold product for $29.95 and a platinum one for $79.95. I purchased and reviewed the gold product. They don’t appear to be much different. There may be additional hypnotic sounds in the platinum one, but it didn’t seem worth it to pay more than double for the cost of a self-hypnosis audio.

My Final Opinion of Steve G. Jones Hypnosis audios
I think Steve G. Jones does a great job of putting you in a hypnotic state and making suggestions to your subconscious mind. One thing that I struggle with is listening to it consistently for 3 weeks! That is my fault! However, I have listened to similar products with positive affirmations during the day and seen great improvements in my ability to stick with my goals and get organized.

Steve G. Jones Self Hypnosis Products at a Glance…

Name: Master Power Trading


Owners: Steve G. Jones

Price: $29.95

Overall Scam Rank: 80 out of 100

VERDICT: LEGIT – This is a great self-hypnosis product. If you don’t achieve results, you can request your money back within 60 days. I did notice some improvements in my trading as I listened consistently to the audio. However, my main problem remembering to schedule a listening session in during the day or turning it on as I fall asleep at night.

2 thoughts on “Steve Jones Hypnosis Review”

  1. Hi Melinda,

    I’ve always been a little nervous about the idea of hypnosis. I had no idea that products existed that allowed you to do it on your own and at home. 80 out of a 100 is pretty good. I might actually give this one a try.

    Have you tried others? Is this one the best in your opinion?

  2. Thanks for a great review! I have never heard of the program, but one question I have is that once you are in a hypnotic state, how do you return back to normal. Also, how long does it take for a person to reach the hypnotic state?

    Thanks again for a great review!


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