What Will You Achieve in 2018?

As we close out 2017, many people are starting to think more about self-improvement in the upcoming year. They are setting their fitness, relationship and financial goals for the new year. Some people, like I did in the past, was to skip over the New Years Resolutions and convince myself that I was already the best version of myself. Heck, I wasn’t as bad off as that other person and I didn’t have to lose that much weight.

This year is going to be different. I am going to set goals that I don’t know how I will achieve. I am going to stretch myself further than I ever have done before. I will be setting New Years Resolutions AND most importantly, I will achieve them!

Share Your Goals

For the longest time, I didn’t want to share my goals with other people in case I failed at them. I didn’t want people to know that I wasn’t achieving what I set out to achieve. I thought they would judge me regarding how high I was setting my goals. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Most people are self-centered and not really thinking about you. A good friend will support you in your goals. They will want to see you achieve your goals. Your friends are your biggest cheerleaders. Tap into that positivity. It will help you get where you want to be.

This year, I’m going to start sharing what I will be working on more. I am giving up the snacking habit as well as sugar for 365 days! Yikes! That

Track Your Progress

This is another area where I have massively failed at. I don’t like tracking what I’m doing all that much. It is lazy of me. I worked with a chiropractor on nutrition response therapy for my alopecia. She had me write down everything I ate. I did well for the first few days and then I started filling it in on a weekly basis. I tend to eat the same thing each week, so I just tried to remember if anything was different that week. It was sloppy on my part. My hair didn’t grow back with the nutrition response therapy as I had hoped, but I gave it a year and a half to work. It just didn’t.

This year, I plan on tracking my workouts more! I have set a goal to do 100 burpees and some pilates every day. So far, I am up to 80 burpees in one day. I’m hoping as the year goes on these will get easier. I have been breaking them up into sets of 10. I’m using the burpees as a high intensity interval training to break up my workout. [easyazon_image align=”right” height=”500″ identifier=”B01K9S24SI” locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41fAB5J2DmL.jpg” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”387″]

In 2018, I plan on tracking my workouts with my fitbit! I love that my brothers got me a fitbit, but I haven’t been using it much. I got tired of wearing it around my wrist. However, it does have a great feature of tracking your fitness progress and levels. I can’t wait to see what I’ll be able to accomplish in the upcoming year!

Positive Affirmations

I listen to positive affirmations everyday. I do find that they change my day to day thoughts and help me to have a more positive focus and attitude. They tend to work best for me when I’m consistent in listening to them. I have listened to [easyazon_link identifier=”B001NPF4NY” locale=”US” tag=”mcurle08-20″]Setting and Achieving Goals[/easyazon_link] almost daily since October 1, 2017.  I have noticed a big difference in the amount of time that I spend on my goals. I have a tendency to give up easily, but since listening to Setting and Achieving Goals  of the Think Right Now series by Mike Brescia, I have started focusing more attention and time on the goals that I want to achieve.

For example, in the past, I wasn’t able to keep a blog up for longer than a month or two, but now I am going on four months with this fitness website. Writing about my fitness has helped to keep me on track. It has also helped me to improve my skills as a writer.

Daily Motivation

[easyazon_image align=”left” cart=”n” height=”500″ identifier=”0981363903″ locale=”US” src=”https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/513lCRxn-tL.jpg” tag=”mcurle08-20″ width=”328″]For the year 2018, I am going to motivate myself with the book, Achieve Anything in Just One Year by Jason Harvey. This book has inspirational quotes for each day. It gives you small assignments to get you focused on setting and achieving your goal. One thing about this that may be difficult for me to do is to get in the habit of remembering to do it everyday. However, if you can remember to do something everyday for 60 days, it becomes a habit. I just need to stick it out for the first sixty days and then I should be in the clear.


When you put your mind to it, it is amazing what you can achieve. However, sometimes the thing that stands in our way of where we want to be versus where we are now is our own excuses. We get comfortable with our life and the adaptations that we make to accomodate for poor health or bad habits. Change can take us where we want to be, but at the beginning change will always feel a bit uncomfortable. It is up to us to push through that discomfort and learn to do things a different way.

Don’t make the New Year’s Resolution to quit making resolutions. Set some goals and share them with us! There may be some ways that I can support you in achieving your goals whether they be related to finances or fitness. I may be able to connect you to someone who is the key to your success.




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